[quote=@MetalLover] Yazidi Empire Confirmed? Nah, in all honesty if you wanna deal with the Byzantine [b]wankfest[/b] then just make a Caliphate that stretches from Western Sahara all the way to Kuwait. [/quote]While I know that in AH context this has a different meaning I think you should refrain from using this. Wankfest as its weaker couisn wank/wankery implies you disagree with somebody's nation and it's badly made. Sure, in AH context it's more like a nation which survived longer than it did in OTL, resurrected or grew stronger than it is right now. But that's like how nearly everyone called each other fag in 4chan. EDIT: BTW, is it fine if I own a few asteroid mining places alread. Also I'd be in process of building a lunar colony within the Newton Crater.