[quote=@Somar] I like the Artic and the Highlands(didn't know the name of the combo) and I am pretty sure the Artic could perfectly replace the Snow Desert biome. I'll definitely need help with the Cartesian coordinates, but I am using square grids. The thing is the map is huge, let me do the math... the entire world map is subdivided into 128 bigger areas, that are divided each into 36 smaller areas. Each one of these areas are a playable map with 64 bigger areas and 36 cells each area... so... the entire game has a total of [b]10616832[/b] individual cells. It's only the world map. There are also three natural satelites orbiting this planet, that later in game will be all playable too. And there is the fact that the world is divided in levels that are: [list] [*] Submarine/subterrain [*] Surface [*] Air [*] Orbital [/list] So... yeah... I'm gonna have some work. When I start working focused on the maps(each map will be made in the fly), I am going to write down some program on Game Maker to help me with map generation. There is no way to do it all by hand. I know a professional pixelartist, the one that designed me this avatar, and I'm gonna pay him to draw the tilesets. The movement and rules and actions will all be made by editing, copying and pasting, like normal NESes or Nation roleplay orders. [/quote] Wonderful. If you need, I can make you a small scale RNG system in eclipse, although I am not amazing with it and it would be console limited. Still, it could be useful for randomly generating unit stats. If you think this might be helpful, just say so in the PM.