[@Tracyarmav] [@Shikaru] It seemed like all Elizabeth was doing today was causing problems. For gods' sakes, she'd spent almost a whole year living by herself. Why, all of a sudden, did she have trouble now? Even through her obvious distress at getting involved in something she may could have avoided, though she was a Hunter herself, her expression remained stoic. It had been a while since she'd ridden in a vehicle. She and Mason had made their ways on foot, and then when Mason vanished, she obviously was not able to afford a taxi or drive. As she stood, her fanny pack bounced and made a [i]clink-clink[/i] as the gold coins inside of it rattled. She tested her footing, realizing that she was indeed stable enough to carry her own weight on foot. "I can walk out," she said, knowing this was true at least to a car. She also didn't fancy the idea of being carried by the vampire. Anya still slightly unsettled her, and Elizabeth was ready to pull her cross back out at any given moment. When Dmitri made the comment about Anya hosting a party, Elizabeth wondered what he'd meant. Though soon after that, she deducted that there must be even more people approaching the apartment. Great. She felt an itching sensation, telling her to run, yet again. But still, the only exit was pretty much guarded. She wondered if they'd let her go. Then, the feeling seemed to fade. [i]They're not going to hurt me,[/i] she tried to tell herself.