[@Absolis][@Flamelord][@Lmpkio] Nova nodded in thanks to the three that chose to stay. While he had not introduced himself to the Jedi, he knew her name, just as he had known that she would stay. The Force runs through all living things, and to those who could sense it, the Emperor was a Maelstrom. Over a Thousand different souls, reborn into a single body and a single mind. While he did not control the Force, he controlled a similar power. The energy of the Warp, the realm of the Immaterium, and the very stuff souls were made of. Standing in front of the God Emperor of Man was like staring into the sun, his presence both comforting and frighteningly overwhelming. "I am sure you will be of use. After all, I can boast of a little precognition, even in this form. And our enemies are shattered, each fighting for their own gain. While some have united, they are too different to form a coherent whole. Therefore, we will always have the advantage." Of course, it was around then that a shouty girl with blue tentacles instead of hair appeared in front of the Dark Angels. Before she could even make her bold claims, the superhuman reflexes of the space marines kicked in. Bolters were aimed, fingers on the trigger. Psykers drew on the power of the Warp, ready to incinerate her with a whim, to rip her to pieces, or to drive her insane. One dreadnought spun up what appeared to be a minigun the size of a tank canon. Recognizing her as an inhuman threat, they were instantly prepared to annihilate her. And yet, having seen the appearance coming, the Emperor intervened. "Halt." With a single word, the Emperor stilled the hands of the Dark Angels, giving the squid girl the chance to make her speech. Nova looked down at Ika and smiled, recognizing in her both great power and a childlike mindset. A purely innocent being, with the power to change the world. Such things were rare these days. "Destroy all humans who pollute the oceans? Wouldn't a far simpler solution simply be to stop the pollution in question?" Nova raised an eyebrow at the childish request. He knew that in but moments he would need to lead a war, to order hundreds to what might be their deaths. That he would need to once more decide the fate of entire worlds with his actions, to bear the responsibility of the entire human race. So he allowed himself a moment of happiness. "I would offer you shrimp, but I must now perform a duty of my own. For even as you seek to defeat those who pollute your home, I must defeat those who would destroy mine, if I gave them the chance. But let us, for the moment, be at peace, no? And when this is done, you have my word, the word of an Emperor, that I will ensure your oceans are cleaned of filth." Having finished, he turned to the more pressing matter at hands. It had taken a significant amount of effort to call forth even this tiny fraction of his armies. He could feel them, through the warp, in another world. But they were scattered, fighting alone against the forces of Chaos amongst the ruins of the Imperium of Man. And it didn't help that the Chaos Gods were doing everything they could to prevent him from summoning more of his forces. He was at a fraction of his military might, not even a full Chapter of Space Marines at his disposal. It would take quite some time before he was able to call in more. And yet, if there was one thing he lacked, it was time. "Secure the area. This will be our base of operations. This world is to be considered hostile territory, but all those who are found are to be sent to me, with the exception of those who show hostile or malicious intent. Ensure that not a drop of innocent blood is spilled." the Emperor now spoke to his men, who obeyed without question. They had been born and bred to fight. Confronted with their Emperor, the living embodiment of all they were to protect, they had no choice but wordless obedience. "I want to be ready for any enemy assault. Ensure every corner is covered, and every gun maintained. We have entered a state of war, and we are soon to meet the enemy. If they do not come to us, then we will come to them." Luckily, the Dark Angels had brought their servitors for the task. Hosts of robotic humanoids spread out, mindless cyborgs slaved to the will of their creators. Robotic servo-arms repaired and rebuilt the grounds, placing large turrets and preparing walls. They were able to set up a rather impressive defence, as they created more advanced metals and alloys from the fairly basic supplies that could be scavenged. The palace no longer looked like simply a majestic building, but rather it resembled a fortress covered in guns and gun slits. Surrounded by a Plasteel wall, a series of barriers built to withstand heavy bolter fire. In a mere matter of minutes it would be transformed, ready for war. And the whole time the Space Marines worked tirelessly, the mailed fist of the Empire.