[Apocalypse, Switzerland.] There were many abilities attributed to those who wielded the Force. They had access to the very stuff of life, and it came with many perks. But among all of the flashy lightning, super speed and telekinesis, perhaps the most powerful ability was precognition. The ability to, to some extent, predict future events. To sense things coming before they even happened, to act on an event in advance. This was the ability that allowed them to deflect incoming blaster fire with their lightsabers, to predict the location of the attack and react faster than would otherwise be humanly possible. Some were more gifted than others, but it remained one of the greatest capabilities among the Jedi and Sith. And as Starkiller moved in to face the unknown threat, it was this ability that saved his life once more. Reacting in less than a hundredth of a second, the Sith dodged to the side even as 2 tons of metal shot past him. A large bus, moving with the force of a cruise missile. Without looking, he could tell the skyscraper behind him was toppling, although not in his direction. The bus had torn through it's foundations with ease. Had it been but an inch closer, the force of the air moving around it would have ripped his arm off, had it been closer still it would have turned him to a red mist. Apocalypse was an unmatchable death machine, an unstoppable force of nature. He could level cities with a single blow, and he could march through blaster fire unharmed. And as Starkiller reached forward, he could sense that attempting to meet this creature in melee was nothing more than suicide. A force push would do nothing, and the creature was less than half a second away, closing the distance between them faster than the Sith had thought was possible. And yet, the creature could not fly. And, lifting it off the floor, the Sith was able to halt the advance of the beast. He held it in his hands, at about 500 meters distance. He could feel it struggling, but with nothing to punch, there was nothing it could do. Of course, it would be moronic to toss it into a building. Such a mild impact would do nothing to it, and he might not get another chance to use his force grab. As such he was forced to simply hold it, unable to properly harm it, and with it unable to escape. And yet, the sith was not aware that every moment he held Apocalypse in his grip, he was making the creature stronger. It had already felt the power of the Force, and was already adapting. Imperceptibly, it was growing resistance. Should the Force be used against it for too long, this power too would become useless. This was a stalemate with only one possible ending. Should Starkiller continue to fight alone, he would almost undoubtedly be destroyed.