[hider=Roy] Name: Roy Wilvell Sex: Male Race: Human Class: Rogue (Not really a thief) Age:24 Bio: Roy was born as the third son of a noble family. So there was no chance of Roy ever inheriting the title. So he was basically given free reign to do whatever he wanted wanted. Roy decided that he liked the idea of designing his own weapons. The only thing that his father required was that Roy learn how to sword fight since it is the noble thing to do. Roy was very skilled in the art of sword play from then on. His lack of heavy armor makes him very quick in a fight. Roy has never met someone that he has not liked and will hit on anyone. Roy left home so he could find his own fortune without his family's name being attached to it. Roy decided to head to Alo'Quin to start his adventure. Special Skills: Quick wit and charm is Roy's best trait. He can talk his way out of just about anything. He is likely yo hit on anyone which seems to help or hurt depending on the situation. Should things turn south he is decent with either his sword or his fists depending on the situation. He also makes different gadgets to help him get out of bad situations. His favorite gadget is his grappling gun. Weapons: His short sword is his main weapon. Roy keeps his grappling gun as a way to hurry and get around the battlefield. [hider=Roy's grappling gun] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-l3ApXoMPqeU/Uz5-PGgJfJI/AAAAAAAAAOE/Gze0AfJxrhc/s1600/gun.jpg[/img] [/hider] Appearance: [hider=Roy] [img]http://www.archaic.fr/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/the_last_story_wii_characters_jackal.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider]