[@Zarkun]Sorry to bother you, just need a second vote on my character for the council. [quote=Raijinslayer] So here's my council guy and his brother, who got turned into a sword. Sorry if the backstory isn't that well explained, but I had to write this all out from my mobile device, so going into depth would've been exhausting. If you want anything clarified, I'm ready and willing. [hider=Character Sheet][b]Character Sheet (please delete anything in parentheses)[/b] Name: Cain Luxeria Age: 28 Magic: Spawn of Asmodeus: Cain is currently incapable of learning magic of any kind, simply because he lacks control over his natural magic reserves, which are insanely immense. Even after years of training, he's only just been able to use some of his natural abilities without burning out. As well as these huge reserves, Cain can also use smaller abilities to help him out both in and out of combat, such as hiding in shadows, exuding an aura that clouds the minds of those around him, surprising inhibitions, and being able to drain the life energy out of people by biting them, which both heals and slightly empowers him. Of these abilities, he only really uses the first one, not feeling to comfortable with the other two. Not only that, but he's naturally tronger, faster, and more durable than an average human, as well as bring very resistant to illusions and magic that affects the mind. His greatest, and most costly, ability is activating his demon blood to take in a powerful half-demon form that can manipulate and corrupt Ethernano to form devastating attacks, as well as giving him a big boost to his physical strength and durability. However, his lack of control makes it so that he can only use this form for about 3 posts max, cause after that, he'll burn out from the strain of having all of that power flowing through him. He simply lacks the control needed to handle his abilities to their full potential. Seals of Sin: Luckily for Cain, he doesn't have to rely on his powers, thanks to his brother Abel. Due to circumstances, Abel's soul has been trapped inside of a sword, yet he's still conscious inside it and can even still use his own magic through it, though it doesn't do him much good without a wielder. Abel has access to a lost magic known as the 'Seals of Sin' which allows him to gain abilities in relation to the Seven Deadly Sins. Wrath bestows upon Abel and his wielder a intense destructive powers, able to cause intense vibrations with their power. This has even been known to cause devastating earthquakes given the severity of the vibrations. Sloth has the ability to summon a special kind if ice that can drain energy from the surrounding area and grows out from the user, only reacting in his defense. A powerful magic that makes an nigh impenetrable defense against magical attacks,if given proper prep time. That being said, more physical fighters that can withstand the energy drain can find the ice to be a relatively simple thing to break with one or two strong hits. Along with that, the magic has one requirement, the wielder mustn't move at all and be in a state of complete apathy. If he moves an inch or feels a slight thrum of emotion, the entire thing shatters and the magic is unusable for 2 weeks. Next is Greed, which has the power to consolidate magical and physical power. Each time the sword is used to block an attack, it gains an amount of powe equal to that attack, and will store that power indefinitely until it is used in an offensive manner, unleash all of the powe contained in a powerful first strike. There is a limit to how much energy can be consolidated, of course, and if that limit is reached, the weight of all that energy makes the word rather unwieldy and hard to swing. In order for the attack to be charged, the attack must be fully blocked/deflected/intercepted by Abel. Following that is Pride, which gives the user the odd ability to use holy magical energy, though it has been corrupted to be more akin to what would be used by a fallen angel. This makes it good against celestial and take-over mages via exercising them. It can also be good for facing dark guilds, as it does more damage to those who've commited crimes, broken laws, and over all are just terrible people and what not. Can also infect Cain's demon form to switches his powers to a holy variation, so as to more easily fight dark or demonic foes. Envy allows for the user to switch bodies with another person, as long as the blade is able to cut the target. Once switched, the target will be unable to do anything because they'll be in the sword and Abel will be in their body. Cain is unable to be affected by this ability. Abel can stay like this for up to a month, afterwards he'll get forcibly ejected from the body. This power can also be resisted by those who have a strong force of will, allowing then to repel the mental assault. Gluttony's power is similar to that of Greed, except it's just a black hole that consumes everything it comes into contact with, essentially making the blade able to cut through anything, magical or otherwise. Lust, instead of it's regular ability of mind manipulation, acts as a channel for Cain's power, allowing h to safely use it in small bursts by pushing it through the sword to increase it's power and launch attacks. However, doing so weakens Abel due to the immense strain it puts on him, making it possible for him to be damaged and even destroyed. The blade is still a sturdy blade, of course, but a string enough blow can end him while using this seal. This also the most frequently used seal because it's very reliable and can be used in more ways than must others. Each seal can only be used separately, and effects from one seal can't carry over if the seals are switched. Also, seals can be shut down by powerful holy seals, as their power is naturally demonic in nature. Magic Level: S-class History: Cain and Abel are the children of a powerful Mage turned Demon, who goes by the name Asmodeus.tbeir father was never a part of their lives and their mother felt nothing but disdain for them. The only reason she kept them was because that's what Asmodeus had told her to do if she ever bore children. This the twin brothers grew up in a bad household until one day, when Cain got kidnapped by a group of Anti-magic zealots who saw Abel use magic, something he'd been studying in secret. Confusing Cain for his brother, they brought him in and may have even killed him if Abel hadn't shown up. Summoning the demonic magic he'd been gifted with by his tainted blood, Abel killed the men with raw before grabbing Cain and running off to find their father, thinking that he couldn't be any worse than their mother. Cain just wanted to go back and live a normal life, still believing that their mother could change, but he left with Abel. He couldn't bare to leave his brother alone. Unfortunately, their father had different plans for them, sending his men to kidnapping his cup deem once GTA spies had tons him of how they were looking for him. Asmodeus had been waiting for children of jus own seed to be born, so that he could harvest their souls to dirge powerful weapons if slaughter. Abel, as the oldest, was the first and as Cain saw his brother being killed right before his eyes, something in him snapped. Next thing the 15 year old boy knew, he was holding a sword, teetering in the verge of unconsciousness and looking up at the demon Mage. Asmodeus said nothing, simply smiling mischievously at Cain before walking away. And the rest is history, as Cain(with the help if his brother) set out to fight dark guilds where ever they may be. When the new magi mc council heard of his abilities, they offered him a position, which he graciously accepted after some coaxing from his brother. Personality: Cain is a rather depressive and insecure person, tending to be over critical of his failures. He can be rather temperamental and sensitive at times, sulking in a corner the moment anyone says an overly harsh word against him. Despite this attitude, however, he proves to be an effective fighter, if teamed up with his brother to whip him out if by funks or moods that might overcome him in a fight. Guild and guild mark location: Magic Mangement Council Team Members: Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Physical capabilities on par with that of magic-enhanced individuals due to a mix of natural ability and intense training. 2. Tends to be a natural mediator, always trying to be the voice of reason and restraint in any conflict. 3. Is an excellent swordsman Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Is very sensitive to people's criticsm 2. Is heavily reliant on Abel in battle, especially against other S-class foes, so he suffers heavily if the two are separated. 3. Burns out very quickly if he tries to use his power by himself. Greatest Love: N/A Motivation: To make the world a better place Appearance: [img]http://sakalli.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/anime-brown-hair-male-nqhawwab.jpg[/img] Additional Details: Name: Abel Luxuria Age: 28 Gender: Male Magic: As well as what's listed above, he can also create a semi- physical projection of himself(or how he wants himself to look, anyway) so he can interact with other people. The projection can't get too far away from his body, can't use his magic, and is rather fragile. One good blow sends it to dust. Along with this, he can communicate telepathically with whoever is currently wielding then, and even possess them if he had to. Magic Level: N/A History:Same as Cain Personality: Vulgar, Chauvinistic, Pig. These are a few of the words used to describe Abel, and are among some of the more flattering. He's all of those things and more, having no respect for most, if any, women, and barely any for everyone else. He's selfish and self-serving, never willing to put his neck on the line for anyone. The only person he cares about is his brother, who is the only person who he's found himself able to trust in his life. Appearance: [img]http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/gaarasgirl1/default/anime-guy--large-msg-123774394089.jpg[/img] Three Strength: 1. His sword form is protect from damage by a magical field if energy that makes it nigh invulnerable. 2. He can be very persuasive when he wants to be 3. He's very perceptive of his surroundings Three Weaknesses: 1. He's a sword, so without a wielder, he can't do shit 2. He can be difficult for most people to get along with. 3. He's a smart ass, and doesn't know when it's best to keep his mouth shut. [/hider][/quote]