[Hider] Name: Jason Smith Alias: Adarc Age: 24 Gender: Male Disposition: Roudy Apperance: [img]http://www.sarna.net/wiki/images/e/ed/Aidan_Pryde_3052.jpg[/img] While he is not blood thirsty he is always ready for a fight. what someone might call a brawler. History: Jason was a hellion in his younger years, and had some trouble with the law frequently receiving citations and days to weeks in juvenile detention. this went on for several years, until, a conflict between OSU and SL got too close to home and his home was destroyed and his family was killed while he was in juvenile detention. he was never sure which party was responsible for the loss of his home and family but he vowed to find those who where responsible and make them pay, even being aware that the chances of him ever attaining this goal is neigh impossible. He tried to set aside his Hedonistic and roudy attitude and get a job like a normal person. perhaps save up some money for collage, which would empower him to earn some form of position that would allow him to pursue the killer of his family, this ended very poorly, with a short prison sentence for assault. a normal peaceful life was not something that appealed to Jason, apparently. he tried to join the military, briefly, the experience was a very unfortunate chain of events that culminated in him receving a dishonorable discharge for assaulting a commanding officer. after a couple year of generally working on odd jobs and he saves up just enough to buy a FRAME suit. he then worked with a one or two mercenary jobs before trying to sign up with a real mercenary group to give him the chance to build a mighty mech and bring justice to his family, perhaps even give himself a decent life. [/Hider] [Hider] MP21-AC Handau (Iron Hide) Manufacturer: Kelhei Manufacturing Height: 4.3 meters Weight: 6627 kg Armor: 45 mm durasteel alloy Speed (Walk): 42 kph Speed (Skate): 72 kph Sensor range: 2 km Communication range: 10 km Operating range: 500 km Power: 140 Weight: 85 Price: 221,590c Armament: 2x AFC-40/L Autocannon (dual Wielding) MGR-2A Anti-tank Missile Weight (19 spare) [/Hider]