[img]http://i.imgur.com/mlKxfjS.jpg[/img] [h3][color=lightgreen]TEAM BROCCOLI[/color][/h3] [color=9e0b0f]Scarlett Autumnwalker[/color] [b]"So, we're here to catch some felidrakes,"[/b] the masked man called out, a piece of creased paper dangling at his fingertips. [b]"They're fast, they can climb and glide, they can teleport short distances at will, and they need to be rounded up. How ya do that is up to you -- just don't kill them. You'll want to check everywhere. Go on."[/b] [color=9e0b0f]"Aw… Such an adorable little creature…"[/color] Scarlett noticed how this felidrake creature was reminiscent of a cat, coupled with pointy ears, dargon-like wings and small bony thorns trailing up and down its tail. As she continued to coo at the image of the felidrake, rustles in the thick leaved trees were heard, almost startling the red haired woman. She could see scaly tails and pointed ears rushing through the tree branches, and small shadows meandering through the bushes. Just as Spook had described, these felidrakes were quite fast on their feet. This was going to be quite the challenge. [color=9e0b0f][i]Hm… How am I supposed to catch one? I don't exactly want to trap them in my cage… That would seem a little cruel… These felidrakes deserve their freedom too.[/i][/color] Scarlett decided to venture up into the small temple, resting above the old, crumbling stone staircase. As she walked up, she noticed the area to be lined with small, child-like statues of various sizes, many of which were topped with sound-a-sleep felidrakes. A soothing sound filled the air around Scarlett, a breeze passing through the thick tree branches. The young red head felt so at peace here… She even felt like joining the felidrakes as they descended into a deep slumber. Soon enough, Scarlett encountered another woman, one with hair just as fiery as hers. The woman was much smaller than Scarlett, of course, which made her bit her lip in embarrassment. Scarlett was fully aware that she was taller than most people in her area, and seeing another woman roughly four inches smaller than her made her feel a bit.. insecure. Still, Scarlett gave the woman a kind smile, pushing her height conscious thoughts out of her head. [color=9e0b0f]"It's quite lovely here, isn't it? So quiet and peaceful… I might as well just sit here have a little nap myself!"[/color] A few pops sounded throughout the little temple as Scarlett's voice was raised, making the young woman jump. Felidrakes appeared and disappeared, popping out of nowhere and everywhere. Of course, sudden sounds would most definitely startle the small creatures. Scarlett made a note to herself to keep her voice down after that. Placing the cage down on the moss covered stones, Scarlett loomed over the statues, looking down at the sleeping felidrakes. She was careful not to stir them, otherwise they would just get frightened and poof out of sight again. She continued to wander around for a bit, almost like a ghostly figure trailing across the ancient looking temple. A red haired ghost, that is. The felidrakes were disappearing less now, and even more were coming to join the outdoor nap. Scarlett couldn't help but let a smile spread across her pale skinned face. [i][color=9e0b0f]So silent, yet so serene… I would love to take a nice stroll down here during the morning hours…[/color][/i] Suddenly, the other woman she had previously spoken to fell to the ground, another poof if smoke appearing right beside her. It was a felidrake… a very curious one at that. It nipped at the meat in the lady's hand, its wide eyes shining with delight. Scarlett watched in awe as the felidrake shifted itself into a comfortable position upon the other red head's lap, its eyes slipping shut. Scarlett hesitantly walked over towards the other woman, crouching down as she smiled gently at the sleeping cat-dragon thing. [color=9e0b0f]"It seems to like you, doesn't it?"[/color] Scarlett whispered. [hr] [@hoppiholla391]