[b][i]Slave Rescue Arc[/i][/b] "Was that howl really necessary?" Par asked Gabe. "Yes, it sounded like a dog's howl; doesn't mean that it won't put people on alert." "Anyway, you just came through Grand Hill; it used to be a recreation area for relaxation and sport, but that's not important right now. What's important is that we can use that place as cover. Anyway, gone on previous trips to the Corner before, not just to buy slaves to free them, but to barter for grain." "Why is that important? Because just beneath the other side of Grand hill, beyond the fence, lies the main Slave Farms, and underneath the shadow of the hill is where they're forcing their [i]new[/i] slaves to work. The Slavers gossip on how the hill and their fence prevents the new slaves from trying to get out until they're 'broken in'." "Not merely that, but instead of building a proper watchtower on the top of the hill, they built a treehouse; seems like a good idea at first, but gossip, and while we're at it, complaints, say that the tree the watch post is built on makes it hard to see things from behind, while the front can be sniped on from another tree." [@Kenyeismylife], [@Madly33], [@shadowsaint007]