[center][h1][color=9e0039][i]E n d y m i o n : S y m p h o n y o f E c h o e s[/i][/color] [/h1] [img]http://art-of-the-game.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Dead_Space_3.jpg[/img][i][h3]"There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment."[/h3] - Hunter S. Thompson[/i] [hr] [b][u]7 Months Ago:[/u] [/b] Station Endymion reported troubles with power and life support systems as well as a dramatic increase of astroid showers and activity; requested inspectors and additional anti-astroid guns. [b][u]5 Months Ago:[/u] [/b] Station Endymion reports that its residence are hearing strange things in the ventilation and people have started to go missing; power and life support systems continue to fail sporadically and gas leaks are reported [b][u]3 Months Ago: [/u][/b] Station Endymion goes dark, all contact is lost and station fails completely but final message assures that everything is alright; Galactic Senate votes to send Recon Team RO-1 to the Station. [b][u]1 Month Ago: [/u][/b] Recon Team RO-1 has been unreachable for several weeks now, other RO teams that have been sent in have also lost contact; Senate suspects something is wrong and votes to send in military; Ryukyuan Imperial Navy (RIN) volunteers to transport collation forces to Station Endymion. [b][u]1 Week Ago:[/u] [/b] RIN ship [i]HMG Dawnlight Spirit[/i] warps into Station Endymion's sector from closest warp gate with collation troops on board and moves to the now defunct and derelict station; prepares to land troops on the station. [/center] [hr] Hello! Welcome to Endymion: Symphony of Echoes. Inspired by several sci-fi franchises like Alien, Halo and Dead Space, Endymion revolves around the collation forces of the races of the Galactic Senate and its attempts to find out what really went down on Station Endymion, discovering that appearance aren't always what they seem. Instead of making everyone a soldier of said gathering, I've opted for a more NRP-esque style with players controlling a squad of soldiers from the different nations and races of the Senate. I would like it for people who have played other Sci-Fi NRPs to use their nations as a base without having to worry about the political stuff since well, when you're on a creepy ass space station, politics isn't exactly the first thing you should worry about. I would like to have at least one other co-GM to help me write and plan this RP since I'm still something of a green horn when it comes to horror writing (mostly because I'm a pussy, go ahead, judge me). I guess expect something less pure horror standard fare and more creepy/scary. Current co-GMs: [@WilsonTurner] & [@LHG100] Scientific Support: [@RomanAria] [hider=Rules] [list][*] I am GM, my word is law as is the word of my co-GMs, rules may be altered at GM's will without notice [*] Standard guild rules here, posts should be between Casual and Low Advanced. [*] Be mature and don't fight over petty things and keep OOC drama to PMs or prepare to have my foot to be stuck up your ass. [*] Don't argue about exact tech stuff, this is supposed to be a fun thing not a debate on the possibilities of nuclear cold fusion warp automatic railgun FEILJA weapons, if it seems like it'd work then it can. [*] I am allowed to kill off any unnamed characters at will but will do my best not to randomly off people (I won't be doing this often, mostly to speed up the plot and in most cases I might just do it to myself). In return, I do expect people to be willing to off their own team members since no one is getting through Endymion unharmed. [*] Be Nice, studies have shown that 94% of RPs are better when people are nicer to each other and help out [*] Balance your stuff, there is no true way of obtaining "victory" in a traditional NRP sense, this is story and character based. If you bring a lot of guys, I expect there to be a counter balance. [*] Have fun, seriously, stuff is better when you have fun [*]Insult me in your CS to prove that you've read the rules. Go head, make it as nasty as you can/want[/list] [/hider] [hider=Squad Sheet Guide] Name: (What is the name of your squad, you can have both official designations and nicknames/alias) Origins: (Where does your squad hail from in terms of race/nation? You can have multiple people playing the same race/nation as long as the others in that race/nation agree to it) Emblem/Colors: (Does your squad have a symbol they use or colors they fly?) Total Size: (How many people, remember, people are going to die so bring people knowing that they might get red shirted. I'd personally suggest something of a platoon-sized squad, any smaller then I'm not sure if it'l work quite as well and any larger will have serious meat shielding in effect) Culture/Traditions: (What cultural things does your nation/race do that would affect them in this situation?) Specialization: (What does your nation do best that could help here. Remember it doesn't have to be physical things, having larger numbers or better training also counts. Only use one.) [hider=Units] (Basically your [s]cannon fodder[/s] grunts. You can repeat this part for as many units as you wish to take. Remember, this isn't a black op, this is just some guys of your military took out on a space camping trip, they aren't specialized for what they might find, they will most likely have their standard gear) Appearance: (How do they look?) Skill: (How well are they trained/disciplined?) Numbers: (How many of them are there?) Equipment: (What are they bringing to the station?) Description: (Just some background fluff to fill in if you want) [/hider] [hider=Important Characters] (Basically officers, badasses or people you have plans for and don't want me to touch [s]with my stupidity.[/s] Just remember not everyone in your squad will be a special snowflake. In short, think of them as your hero characters; I am letting be a bit more fantastical than your standard mook. Appearance: (How they look) Age: (How old they are ofc) Rank/Position/Title: (What is their position in your military/ are they known to be something famous ie war hero?) Equipment: (What are they bringing? For importan character it can be more customized and personal) Personality: (What are they like in general?) Bio: (Please, make it short, no one needs to see a NaNo story for this) [/hider][/hider] [hider=Example CS] (incase you don't know, I tend to go overbaord with formatting on ocassion and is wanted for hider abuse.) [center][h2]23rd Imperial Guard Platoon "Wings of Honor"[/h2] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/6eqm3d.png[/IMG] [/center] Origins: Holy Ryukyu Imperium Appearances: [hider=Ryukyuan] Ryuans or more commonly just Ryukyuans are tall, humanoid creatures with females standing at an average of 5' 10" and males averaging around 6' 1". The most noticeable trait they have are devil-like tails on their backs. They mature faster than humans reaching adulthood around 14 (but mentally they mature around 18) and can live long lives should the right conditions be met. Other appearance differences include longer fingers and "dual layered" eyes that some of the population has (the term "dual layered" means that while the eye has a solid color, their is another color on a "layer" behind it). Most Ryukyuans can only use 80%-90% of the psychical strength a human could use but their brain capacity is 10%-20% greater than that of humans. Certain individuals will also express a rare gene that causes their mental power to grow to 50% or even 60% greater than that of humans. The Empire often stated these persons who usually become engineers, researches and the likes as the reason why the Empire's technology has advanced so quickly. [/hider] Total Size: 21 (2 squads of 7 soldiers and 3 robots lead by a Lieutenant) Traditions: Ryukyuan Code of Honor dictates that swords must be used instead of knives, citing knives as "dishonorable hidden weapons" AI and AI controlled robots are considered as living as organic beings Everyone must serve, gender is no excuse for service to the Divine Golden Emperor The Divine Golden Emperor is God, you are his loyal followers Die for the Emperor or Die trying Specialization: AI Units: [hider=Imperial Guards] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iysDwf-yWlk/UB62AhE9PuI/AAAAAAAAAMY/nUKRPi1IilQ/s1600/PlanetSide2_NCAssault_Final_10-18-11(1).jpg[/img] Skill: Well trained but rely on moral more than sheer discipline Numbers: 14 total (9 males and 5 females) Equipment: [hider=Weapons] [hider=Type 99 Rifle (x8)] [img]http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp24/Clocktower_Echos/Screen%20Shot%202015-04-30%20at%201.03.11%20AM_zpssllt8ufo.png[/img] Standard 30 round battle rifle for ground troops, its a solid weapon with two rails for attachments. The Type 99 can change between semi-automatic and a three round burst and comes in several variants like a carbine version that is lighter and shorter to a DMR version with a longer barrel and bipod. [/hider][hider=Type 100 SMG (x4)] [img]http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp24/Clocktower_Echos/Screen%20Shot%202015-04-29%20at%2011.09.34%20PM_zps6wucejw5.png[/img] Common weapon seen across both military and police, the Type 100 is a rapid fire SMG excellent for suppressing or in areas where accuracy is less of a concern. They're commonly found aboard ship armories and private security guards. Has a suppressed version and can mount scopes/sights. [/hider][hider=Type 14 Pistol (x14)] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/planetside2/images/9/93/LA8_Rebel.png/revision/latest?cb=20130319113927[/img] A gun with a legacy, the Type 14 is regarded within the Imperium as the best gun ever made, having served as the standard sidearm for well over a century now. Sturdy, accurate, strong, all in a compact package delivering Imperial Justice from a 8 round clip, one bullet at a time. [/hider][hider=Type 0 Energy Blade (x14)] [img]http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp24/Clocktower_Echos/download-2_zpszp5dhfc0.jpg[/img] As Ryukyuan military tradition dictates knives are not suitable weapons for honorable warriors, swords take their place and are often found in various shapes and sizes depending on the user's rank and role. Made of a light weight alloy, the Type 0 is also referred to as a "Progressive Sword", not because its cutting edge technology, but because of how it can cut through just about anything with a veil of agitated molecules that can cut things at a molecular level. [/hider] [hider=IS-0 Grenade] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0a/3c/8b/0a3c8b2750a7a6a9204e59bef44e2293.jpg[/img] Standard frag grenade, nothing too impressive here. [/hider] [hider=IS-4 Debilitation Grenade] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/a/aa/EMP_Grenade_menu_icon_MW3.png/revision/latest?cb=20120328105717[/img] A combination of an EMP, a flashbang and a concussion grenade, the IS-4 is the Imperium's go to grenade for tactical moves. [/hider][/hider] Description: Standard Ryukyuan Imperial Army soldier, these soldiers have a life time of indoctrination in the form of propaganda and leader reverence behind them. They are well equipped and drilled who are trained in traditional swordsmanship and martial arts along with modern marksmanship. Flexible and versatile, Imperial Guards form the back bone of RIA [/hider] [hider=Imperial Aradaiyashi Drones] [img]https://yt3.ggpht.com/-96LFPpH5sZ4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/gdQioyNIQYk/s900-c-k-no/photo.jpg[/img] Skill: AI controlled, effectiveness determines on AI processing ability and connection strength Numbers: 6 Equipment: [hider=Type 22 HMG] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-j7vLtCQAANNF-.jpg[/img] Mounted in their right arm, the Type 22 is a three-barrel HMG firing high powered rounds to rip through just about anything. [/hider][hider=Internally Mounted Blade] Literally a knife located in the left arm, super sharp, gonna cut chu up boi. [/hider] Description: AI controlled drones that are lead by the dozens, the Aradaiyashi go where it would be otherwise too dangerous from biological beings to be. They have been around for quite some time and are considered an invaluable ally in RIA. They are suspectible to electronic-based attacks like hacking and EMPs but AIs usually out do any hacker's attempted to controlling the Drones [/hider] [hider=Commander] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5TsDbvexo7U/U4PsLIf8MGI/AAAAAAAB88Y/cjac33td3L8/s1600/ACP_Spec.png[/img] Name Yoruha Nanashoku Age: 31 Rank/Position/Title: Lieutenant/Imperial Ronin Agent Equipment: [hider=Type 0-4S LMG "Amaburi"] [img]http://girls2015.mobi/wp-content/uploads/halo-4-saw-7.jpg[/img] Yoruha's personal weapon, the Amaburi is a modified version of a prototype weapon, boasting a huge 100 round magazine and is said to be as powerful as the ones found on the Drones. [/hider][hider=Type 0-Wz3P] [img]http://images2.sw-cdn.net/model/picture/625x465_2630883_6522489_1429734142.jpg[/img] Standard side arm for Ronin Agents, its a strong and durable pistol which has seen Yoruha through many a fights. Its well suited to his needs with an extended 15 round clip and internal silencer. [/hider][hider=Nagitana Blades] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-06W5vUokBvE/VdPsfG3HHyI/AAAAAAAADaA/4SfduXRfeD4/w900-h635/jinroh_catana_and_combat_knife_by_mukkelkatze-d4ngdkc.jpg[/img] Going against traditions, Ronin are allowed to carry knives and the likes instead of swords. Yoruha carries a long one behind his back and another in his boot. [/hider][hider=IS-0 Grenade] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0a/3c/8b/0a3c8b2750a7a6a9204e59bef44e2293.jpg[/img] Standard frag grenade, nothing too impressive here. [/hider] [hider=IS-4 Debilitation Grenade] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/a/aa/EMP_Grenade_menu_icon_MW3.png/revision/latest?cb=20120328105717[/img] A combination of an EMP, a flashbang and a concussion grenade, the IS-4 is the Imperium's go to grenade for tactical moves. [/hider] Personality: Yoruha is most often cold and stoic with every little phasing him due to Project RONIN. The people under him dislike him as a person but see him as an exceptional leader as can easily motivate troops by words or by force. Bio: Like all members of Project RONIN, Yoruha's life is concealed in shadows and politics. Chosen at birth, he has been turned into a model of peak ability and physic for a Ryukyuan. What is known is that Project RONIN did not give him an easy or happy childhood, but it was worth being a super soldier, right? For reasons unknown, he was personally assigned to lead the Ryukyuan expedition instead of a normal commander. He suspects something involving politics. [/hider] [/hider] [hr][center][h2]Lore Bits[/h2][/center] [hider=Galactic Senate] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/b/b5/Imperial_Palace_Terra2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130227172909[/img] [i]Entrance to the Galactic Senate Building[/i][/center] the Galactic Senate (usually shortened to GS or GalSen) is like the UN, it has many member nations of varying levels of development and technology and races. Although it does do a pretty good job at keeping peace, member nations still do fight each other resulting offenders on both sides being temporarily removed until the conflict has ended. GalSen is lead by Chairman Charles Crommeld, the first human to take the spot and hopes to prove humanity's worth by doing an exceptional job. Under him is the senate itself which uses a checks and balance system that ensure neither the Chairman nor the Senate itself ever has too much leverage over other. Under the Senate are a variety of ministries which advise and assist in a multitude of fields. [/hider] [hider=Station Endymion] [center][img]https://m1.behance.net/rendition/modules/23051373/disp/fa652bdd644800410e393b68fe7aeeac.jpg?cb=1006266629[/img] [i]The station from various angles[/i][/center] Build many years ago, Station Endymion orbits around Planet Z3-U5 and is considered a monument to the collective efforts of the members of GalSen. It has many wards and levels with facilities that range from everything like manufacturing to entertainment and research to shipbuilding. Its basically a one-stop shop. At one point it was actually a space elevator but due to both heavy seismic activity on the ground and an astroid, it was saved and continued as a orbiting station that housed millions. While only armed with anti-astroid guns on the exterior, the interior had turrets and robots that supported the ELEA (Endymion Law Enforcement Agency). [/hider] [hider=Planet Z3-U5] [center][img]http://www.yoyowall.com/wallpapers/2013/03/Excavator-1600x2560.jpg[/img] [i]Exploration ship pulling large artifact from Z3-U5's barren surface[/i][/center] A harsh and barren planet, Z3-U5's worth laid in its mineral value and its precursor ruins. Ancient structures dot the planet's landscape and shows signs of a former great civilization which up and vanished. Research posts have been constructed as well as a colony around the base of the former space elevators but have either since been abandoned or have lost contact. [/hider] [hider=HMG Dawnlight Spirit] [center][img]http://www.neoterrarex.co.uk/resources/Halo/charon_class.png[/img] [i]"The Emperor's will must always be carried out not matter the coast" ~Ryukyuan Military Pledge[/i][/center] A seasoned ship commanded by Captain Hirisho Wutang, its is a Norico-Class frigate. Norico-class frigates are the standard space warship of the Empire. They are a good balance of speed and strength and are often the test subject for ship-based equipment. Their main gun is a Mass Acceleration Drive which fires a 500-ton shell that is a mix of tungsten and magnetic steel around a ferric core capable of destroying ships of the same class and even some larger classes with ease. The MAD Cannon is assisted by a broadside cannons of both the kinetic and electromagnetic varieties. Its on board AI, Otomi controls the Ryukyuan drones and can be used to requisition additional forces from on board the ships which have been brought along. Whether they make it there or even show up at all is another story however... [/hider]