Or at least that's what I used to do when I went on these kinds of forums a long time ago as an angst-y, annoying teenager. Now I miss making up cool stories with friends, and as a mostly functioning adult of 21 I thought I'd pick it up again. I enjoy all kinds of rp's, from ridiculous school fantasies where every character has a "KEWL DARK SECRET PAST AND A MAGICAL PPOWER STEMMING FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMMMAAAAA" to the more serious kind. I like fantasy, sci-fi, cheesy romance and more realistic settings. I might not be as active as some being as I have a full time, sporadically scheduled job, but I'll do my best to be consistent in my posting and work to improve my writing as I go on. (I haven't done this in a while, spell-check be my guide.) Anyways I can't think of much else to say about myself at the moment but if there's anything I'm missing here let me know.