[hr] [center][h2][color=FFC0CB]Abbey[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Abigail busily washed the dishes from the earlier meal as she watched out the open window towards the boys playing ball. She gave a warm smile while she worked, thinking back to her brothers back home. She was far from home, but she wrote often enough. Her oldest brother, Charles, got married recently and they are trying for a baby. She would be a proud aunt, holding that little boy or girl in her arms. Her other brothers were out doing various things. Thomas was at college, he was always the smartest one and destined for great things besides farm work. Nathaniel was at home helping with the farm, and having a not-so-secret romance with the next door neighbor Charlotte. The youngest brother, James, was itching to do some traveling, and he set westward to see if he could find his calling. She hadn't heard from him in a while. Abbey's eyes trailed on Henry as he exited the barn. She was a little jealous. While she appreciated the work and was grateful for the family giving her the job, she was hoping she could do more than a housewife's work. She wanted to help the animals and play, and every so often she got to nestle up to them, but with more cold weather coming, she had to do her part. She heard the crack of the bat and looked up to see the ball go flying. [color=Hotpink]"Somebody go fetch that ball before it starts raining again."[/color] At that shout, Henry offered his help and took Yulian with him. She sighed and finished her dish work. Boys will be boys, she figured. She may end up having to do some patchwork on them in case they got hurt.