[quote=@Zendrelax] Say, I just noticed that the first post makes reference to "Grand Provinces," which are the provinces that our characters are affiliated. Does that mean that there are some not-quite-grand (and presumably NPC) provinces milling about too, or is it just us? [/quote] I have 2 answers for this: [hider=Short Answer] Yes! [/hider] [hider=Long Answer] I never considered doing this but this lets me use the character I prided myself so much on in the original RP. Thank you for showing me this. [/hider] [quote=@Illogical Jim] [@Ryuzaki] Would it be acceptable for our characters to bring small contingents of men with them to the capital, or is that a taboo/would that be considered suspicious? Roland is very much the kind of person that would want to bring a small group of knights and men-at-arms with him, as much for security on the road to the capital as to make a show of power and prestige in front of the other Councillors and to impress the young king with fancy men in shiny armor. Oh, and does the capital have a name (yet)? What sort of place is it? I'm just curious. [/quote] [hider=Answer to Q1] Yes but your men would need to surrender their weapons upon reaching the castle and any group larger than 7-8 would have to find their own housing since the castle cant house an extra 30-40 people in addition to all the lords and serfs in the castle itself. [/hider] [hider=Answer to Q2] For now I am going to call the Capitol City Emperiat and the Province containing it will be Falsir (fal-seer). Falsir will be in the exact center of the map. Infact...... [hider=Falsir] Name of the Province: Falsir Name of your liege: N/A Position: Center of the map. [/hider] [/hider]