And popping on over from the int check. [hider= The Enstrian National Planetary League] A loose coalition of planets with various governmental systems and cultures within its jurisdiction. One thing is clear, typically, is that at least two partners and their allies are at war with each other at any given time. No subtle, cold wars either, but out and out open warfare. Since these are internal wars, the belligerents are not held to the standards of the laws of war, and as such can devolve into chemical, biological, nuclear, and other methods that, should outside parties get involved, could result in the GS organizing full scale peacekeeping efforts and pacifying the totality of the ENPL. However, this also breeds a society based on survival and warfare, at the cost of all other notable advances. A common outlook among those that deal with the ENPL is that, while their technological levels are par, at best, hiring military advisers and mercenaries that have zero moral problems with engaging in almost any behavior, and will finish a contract once signed, makes ENPL mercenary companies highly sought after. In fact, their most notable export to the GS is in the form of mercenaries and military aid. As a people, the ENPL are typically your average human, with varying ethnicity and crude mechanical augmentation among wealthier and more militarily successful worlds. On average, they are an equal split between male and female in all aspects of the culture, since gender really means little beyond who is giving birth in a relationship. Military is even more so, and half of the military command are female, which creates interesting situations when operating with patriarchal, and matriarchal, societies that operate male or female dominated military organizations They also don't care about species or race, so long as the forces in question do their jobs. [/hider] [hider=122nd Rangers] Name: 122nd ENPL Security Regiment | 1st Platoon Detachment "The Rangers" Origins: The 122nd Rangers recruit from the shattered remains of warzones, taking the surviving veterans for the sole fact they survived, refining each of them into high quality forces. While not being abnormally well armed, specifically trained, or any other notable measurement in training, the Rangers are feared amongst most territorial forces within the ENPL. They operate independent of any individual world, answering only to the ENPL Board of Command. Emblem/Colors: Each Ranger only has two insignia. One on their left shoulder, the Coat of Arms of their home world of choice, which varies as much as the individual Ranger. The other is the flag of the ENPL emblazoned over their heart, on top of their chest plate. The ENPL flag is a backdrop of numerous planets around a single super station, with the ENPL name emblazoned across in a superimposed font. The backdrop is white, and each planet is a different color representing the surviving member planets. Total Size: 31 Rangers (10 man Sections, 8 Regulators each led by a senior most Sergeant and supporting Corporal, Plus Detachment CO) Culture/Traditions: 122nd Members will squabble and bicker among themselves in a friendly manner, and often times do not maintain what most would consider formal military bearing. And how they love to flaunt that towards allied regiments that operate on tight, formal tradition and militarism. Specialization: There isn't a man or woman among the Rangers that isn't a veteran of at least several wars. Being a rookie only means years with the regiment, and has no bearing on their skill. Their specialty, in short, is providing veteran, blooded soldiers that know precisely what they are doing in a war zone. [hider=Regulators] Appearance: [hider= Image] [img][/img] [/hider] Skill: Highly Skilled, Motivated, and Determined. Numbers: 24 with the Detachment Equipment: [hider=Mk1 Mod 7 MAW (Modular Assault Weapon] Regulators carry the latest generation of MAW issued by the ENPL, designed for general purpose use and coverage of a variety of situations instead of being highly specialized for a specific purpose. Rangers carry kits for changing out parts to affect range, rate of fire, and other points. By default, the Regulators deploying on this mission are using a closer range Carbine set up, foregrips attached for increased control. [/hider] [hider=Mk13 Self Defense Pistol] [img][/img] As much a symbol of acceptance and status as a Ranger then anything else, the 30mm, single shot 'Self Defense Pistol' is in reality an oversized, massive hand cannon that is designed to augment the average Regulator's lack of extremely hard hitting tools. A 30mm slug tends to end arguments, and some Regulators jokingly call the Mk13's their way of solving an "Argument." Any argument needing the application of these sidearms tends to not be worth pursuing by the opposing party. [/hider] [hider=Det Charges] [img][/img] Regulators, and most Rangers period, only carry one explosive. Modular Det Charges, their payload and direction modified prior to deployment. Standard set up is a fragmentation grenade of average operation, but they can be directional for demolition work, should the need arise. [/hider] Description: Regulators are equipped and expected to fill any specific role in the battlefield should the need arise. To become one of the baseline troopers within the Rangers, Regulators have to have engaged in several wars at least, the more severe each war, the fewer the number. Section command, the Sergeant of a section or Officer in charge of a three section detachment, decides how severe a war was and how much worth it puts on a prospect. Beyond that, their individual skill and traits are taken into account prior to allowing entry. Once accepted, they go through a form of basic training run by Rangers, for Rangers, to weed out those that don't have the fortitude to hold on to the will to survive. Wash outs go back to their old armies and worlds. Most see even being considered a badge of honor, but a few shun these failures, so washing out often times is not an option for prospects. Despite the brutal training and induction, it is rare for a recruit to wash out. Once successful, they receive their Mk13 and gear, and are assigned to a section. After that, they are part of the team, since no Ranger is green in the slightest. [/hider] [hider=Corporals] Appearance: [hider= Image] [img][/img] [/hider] Skill: Highly Skilled, Motivated, and Determined. Numbers: 3 with the Detachment Equipment: [hider=Mk2 Mod0 Shotcannon] Corporals, being second only to the Sergeant of a section, are given more responsibility and a more focused job. They carry the specialized weapons for the squad, whether its a full heavy weapon or merely a specialized tool that would not fit for squad wide carry. In this situation, they were sent in with the Mk2 Shotcannon. A fancy name for a standard shotgun, the customized shotguns operate pretty much how you would expect, with one nasty surprise instead. Corporals modify their ammo to increase laceration and penetration, often in illegal manners under the laws governing war. Just don't tell the command, yea? [/hider] [hider=Mk13 Self Defense Pistol] [img][/img] As much a symbol of acceptance and status as a Ranger then anything else, the 30mm, single shot 'Self Defense Pistol' is in reality an oversized, massive hand cannon that is designed to augment the average Regulator's lack of extremely hard hitting tools. A 30mm slug tends to end arguments, and some Regulators jokingly call the Mk13's their way of solving an "Argument." Any argument needing the application of these sidearms tends to not be worth pursuing by the opposing party. [/hider] [hider=Det Charges] [img][/img] Regulators, and most Rangers period, only carry one explosive. Modular Det Charges, their payload and direction modified prior to deployment. Standard set up is a fragmentation grenade of average operation, but they can be directional for demolition work, should the need arise. [/hider] Description: Corporals are Rangers that have displayed two traits. They have leadership capabilities to some degree, not as much as a Sergeant, and are abnormally good at killing. With these traits in mind, they are given extra training in specialist weapons that are issued only on an as needed basis. Before each deployment likely compositions of enemies are figured out and gear is issued to the Sections as necessary. While not natural leaders like the Sergeants are, they are good at backing them up and supporting their jobs, which is the other half of their role besides specialist weapon support. [/hider] [hider=Sergeants] Appearance: [hider= Image] [img][/img] [/hider] Skill: Highly Skilled, Motivated, and Determined. Numbers: 3 with the Detachment Equipment: [hider=Mk1 Mod 8 Modular Assault Weapon] Sergeants are issued an updated platform of the MAW not normally issued to rank and file Regulators due to cost. Effectively the same weapon, the Mod 8 MAW has a smoother, more easily altered part system and has unique attachments that cannot be used by the Mod 7. In this case, the Sergeant's MAWs are deployed as Carbines by default with foregrips instead of underslung attachments, increasing their control and accuracy. [/hider] [hider=Mk13 Self Defense Pistol] [img][/img] As much a symbol of acceptance and status as a Ranger then anything else, the 30mm, single shot 'Self Defense Pistol' is in reality an oversized, massive hand cannon that is designed to augment the average Regulator's lack of extremely hard hitting tools. A 30mm slug tends to end arguments, and some Regulators jokingly call the Mk13's their way of solving an "Argument." Any argument needing the application of these sidearms tends to not be worth pursuing by the opposing party. [/hider] [hider=Det Charges] [img][/img] Regulators, and most Rangers period, only carry one explosive. Modular Det Charges, their payload and direction modified prior to deployment. Standard set up is a fragmentation grenade of average operation, but they can be directional for demolition work, should the need arise. [/hider] [hider=Command and Control Suite] Accessed from either the helmet HUD or the wristpad, the C&C Suite is the Sergeants link to the rest of the squad, and head of operations, to ensure smooth, easy operations and an effective chain of command. Should the Sergeant become a causality, the wristpad can be detached and integrated with the corporal or another Regulator's kit, ensuring that a loss of communication and chain of command is less likely. [/hider] Description: Sergeants lead the Regulators with the aid of their assigned Corporal. Responsible for the men and women under their command, each Sergeant has undergone several more wars with the Rangers before even being considered, and all have done time as Corporals for previous sergeants so they know better what their job will be once they advance. Most Regulators, Corporals, and Sergeants never leave these levels, as officers are drawn in as officers and only a select few will be picked as aides to the officers. Being at the top of their chains, the Sergeants can focus solely on their jobs instead of worrying about promotions or other things that might cloud judgement in an operation. [/hider] [hider=Important Personnel] Name: Captain Damian Kurtz Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 47 Rank/Position/Title: Captain/Known Hero of the ENPL Equipment: [hider=Custom .380 Import Special] [img][/img] Personally purchased by Captain Kurtz on his own pay, the Custom .380 was built on an old name stolen by a ENPL arms producer and he painstakingly went about rebuilding it and custom tooling it into a high class sidearm. Lacking the raw power of the Ranger standard pistol, it has advantages in practically every other field. A semi automatic pistol, utilizing grip inserted magazines, to pump out .380 caliber rounds at a fast pace, it provides Captain Kurtz his primary means of ranged combat and, while nothing to sneeze at, certainly is not the most effective means of self defense. To be fair, coupled with his other equipment makes the Custom .380 far more effective than one might initially give credit for. [/hider] [hider=Backbiter] [img][/img] A personal blade that Kurtz inherited from the last Captain of his detachment, the blade utilizes a monomolecular edge that can cut most materials to ribbons, with enough slashes. The blade is well balanced for the ambi dexterous man, and he can often hold the Backbiter in one hand and his Custom .380 in the other hand. This is what makes his natural combat style with his sidearm as lethal as it is, and able to keep up with his fellow Rangers. Plus, it provides a positive moral vision when he charged into a combat zone, blade raised in one hand and sidearm leveled upon the enemy with the others. Rangers gladly follow such a man, since he will lead the way into the maw of death and violence itself. [/hider] [hider=Custom Combat Armor] Having earned the right to real combat armor, instead of the standard issue, crude looking ballistic plates that the regular grunts utilize, Kurtz wears a rare example of advanced tech within the ENPL. This is relative, since his armor is [i]still[/i] considered outdated since it lacks most features that one would expect out of full suited armor of a design like his. But it still regulates internal temperature and can void seal, and provides better protection than the average armor, so its not all bad. [/hider] [hider=Command and Control Master Module] Issued to the CO of any given detachment or regiment, the C&C Master Module allows him a constant feedback of individual soldier data, reports from the field, effective remaining fighting members in an assigned field of operations, and other vital information for making intelligent decisions on where and when to send men, hold out, retreat, or attack from. Likewise, his Sergeants can keep up with the information being sent back from the CO to them, so they can operate and make smarter decisions based on information beyond their normal ability to detect or gather. [/hider] Personality: Captain Kurtz is a cunning, level headed man who will not discount any possibility in a possible warzone situation. Having seen the worst of what the ENPL does to each other, the good Captain will not discount any report from his men, or those of trusted allies, willing to operate and investigate using his own resources and manpower as needed to respond to potential threats. He takes life seriously, but remains jovial to his men and courteous to his allied forces as well. No one has ever seen him panic, or at least that they know of thanks to his armor, which helps create an air of confident authority that others outside his own detachment tend to notice. Bio: Captain Kurtz is a household name in many ENPL households. Some consider him a lauded hero of the ENPL and their security forces, fighting the good fight and doing what he must to defend the innocents caught in the crossfire between provincial forces fighting each other from planet to planet. Others, think he is a war criminal like any other ENPL officer, willing to resort to any means necessary to achieve ultimate victory. The truth is hardly as sinister, or even heroic. He is a soldier and a leader of men, and while he fully intends on insuring the lives of his men are secure, the mission will come first. He makes this very clear to each and every man under his command that, should the mission demand it, they will be sacrificed in the name of completing the mission. He remains frank with those under his command, and gets results that made him noticeable by the ENPL command structure. For good or ill, though, is debatable as he finds himself assigned to backwater jobs as well as frontline work. But he goes where he is needed, according to his superiors, and does his job with no complaint. [/hider] [/hider]