[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mMjAyNzAuVTJGeVlXZ2dVbWwyWlhKaC4xAA,,/my-font-addiction.regular.png[/img] [color=#157DEC]"I'll love you forever, even after you're dead"[/color][/center] [color=#157DEC]Sarah softened her glare almost immediately as the young boy[@Wade Wilson] spoke, and gave an apologetic glance towards blondie[@Symphoni]. It sure wasn't their fault that her husband had just been murdered right in front of her and it was very immature of her to take it out on the newcomers. Before she could issue an apology though, two more people entered the crime scene, a man in a suit[@FortunesFaded]...who her gaze lingered on far to longer than she would like to admit and a woman wearing aviators[@McHaggis]. She had the right idea. Sarah would love to hide her face behind some sunglasses right now. Jesus Christ. It's amazing how she had gone weeks without seeing one fucking person alive and now it was raining men! And beautiful women. [i]Smh...[/i] It was extremely overwhelming. All the people...the loss of her husband...it was just to much. Her voice was soft when she spoke as she fought to hold back the tears. [b]"I'm sorry...I just lost my husband...My name is Sarah..."[/b] She wasn't looking for sympathy from these people...but couldn't contain the sorrow and loss she felt. Besides, she was positive that every person here had probably lost someone close to them. Words were exchanged but she put herself on autopilot. It was just to much for her to handle at the moment. She vaguely caught the conversation of the safe house on 8th street....which is where she believed Hunter had originally mentioned to her. So....this was their destination. Sarah prayed good fortune would be there waiting...although she wouldn't get her hopes up. Never again. Sarah retreated back into the bedroom which she had shared with her husband for a last goodbye. It was there that she proceeded to smoke the last of the resin on her glass pipe, and popped two xanax pills. The effect was what she needed to carry on after she mulled over all of the nostalgia in the bedroom. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her things and walked out the front door. She put on her sunglasses as tears rolled down her cheeks while she forced herself to not look back. Seeing Hunter somehow strengthened her. [@Remipa Awesome] She approached him slowly. He was standing away from the others, and obviously was struggling with the sudden burst in population. As was she. She sat next to him and watched him behind her veil of sunglasses as he messed with his gun. She didn't say anything. Hell, she didn't know what to say. She just sat there...hoping he was able to see her unspoken apology for her cold reaction to the way he had attempted to comfort her. [/color]