Magic and the Status Quo: While this RP focuses on Dragon Riders and their connection with dragons, magic does play an important role in a Riders life. Though, Riders are not the only ones capable of using magic. Since magic takes on the role of The Song in Aethier it is understandable that music is held in the highest-regard. Bards are held in esteem, telling tales and playing beautiful music. But, Bard cannot use The Song. Mages in Aethier take the name Composers, and where they are in the world dictates how they are treated. A Composer is a rare thing, one can go their entire life without meeting one, though all Composers are trained and taught at The College many Bards are taught at The College as well. The College is in Alexandria, the most prominent city on the continent and they hold a tight grip on the Composers there. [hider=The Song] The Song is not magic in the classical sense that you say a few words, wave your fingers and poof, something happens. The Song is the foundation of existence, all things are made from it and so to be able to tap into it in anyway gives you the power to change reality. Of course there are rules to be followed and prices to be paid by when using The Song. The Song derives its name because when a user opens themselves up to it they hear a melody. What someone hears is dependent on a couple conditions; the first of which is based on what they are trying to accomplish and alter, second is how the user is feeling at the time. Emotions are the conduit from which The Song is delivered and its end result is greatly affected by the emotional state of the song user, or Composer as some have come to call them. [/hider] [hider=Alexandrian Deities] Scion- God of the sky, constellations, law, order, justice Cyries- Goddess of marriage and family Shia- Goddess of the seas, lakes, rivers Nanm- Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons Lucian- God of wisdom, reason, intelligent activity, literature, handicrafts and science, defense and strategic warfare. Una- Goddess of The Song, prophecy, inspiration, poetry, music and arts, medicine and healing. Petryl- God of the hunt, virginity, archery, the moon, and all animals. Lucias- God of war, violence, and bloodshed. Ley- Goddess of love, beauty, and desire Sterg- God of the forge, creation Koin- God of commerce, thieves, eloquence and streets Vayne- Goddess of wine, celebrations, and ecstasy. Nemays- God of the Underworld, dead and the riches under the Earth [/hider]