[h2][color=9d00f7]S[color=e1ac3d]u[/color]a[color=e1ac3d]v[/color]o[/color][/h2] [color=9d00f7]Suavo had just found a promising stall when a small pebble plinked off his mask. Quick as a flash, he shot out his arm and caught the tiny rock in nimble fingers. Spotting the sheepish-looking matoran who had kicked it, the performer decide to introduce himself.[/color] [color=9d00f7][color=e1ac3d]"Well, hello there."[/color] he began.[/color] [color=e1ac3d]"You know, I've just arrived form Po-Congro, and I think they'd be interested in this little custom. Throwing a rock at someone to greet them? I could see that catching on down south. My name's Suavo, by the way."[/color] [color=9d00f7]He extended his hand to her, then opened it to revel the pebble he had caught, and gently flicked it at the top of her mask.[/color] [h2][color=6ecff6]Kumanu[/color][/h2] Well, the little Bo-matoran seemed to be recovering well from his fall, which relieved Kumanu a great deal. He was up and talking, still a little flustered and disjointed, but seemingly uninjured and reasonably sound of mind. [color=6ecff6]"It's a combination of kanoka, cajolery and cleverness." Kumanu explained. "This little monkey, for example, had been pilfering fruit from storehouses at night, so all I had to do was set out some food and wait. A couple of weakening disks later, he started feeling very sleepy, and now here we are. I'm going to rehome him in the colony here, and hopefully the wild brakas will show him a more acceptable diet."[/color] The Bo-matoran had introduced himself, so Kumanu responded in kind, taking the other matoran's hand and shaking it. [color=6ecff6]"Anyway, are you sure you're fine? It's best not to be out here after dark."[/color]