[center][h3]Fe-Congro[/h3][/center] Stopping in mid-step, the Le-Nomad turned to face the different coloured matoran only to tilt her head to one side out of confusion. Aiko started to get more confused about what the other said about a new custom, throwing rocks at others. "[color=00a651]I sorry... I no mean to kick rock hard.[/color]" Aiko started, only to have the small pebble to ricochet off of her mask. She simply watched the pebble fall onto the ground. "[color=00a651]Name Aiko. Good to meat Suabo.[/color]" Aiko grinned, knowing she may have butchered his name. Completely forgetting about the rock that was being thrown between the two of them, the Le-Nomad stepped up to Suavo with a little curiosity. She was much taller than he is. She could tell where he was from, she had been all over Kongero Nui. "[color=00a651]Do little Matoran, Suabo, trable with them?[/color]" She asked, mentioning the carnival that recently came to Fe-Congro.