Hi FortunesFaded, here's my CS as promised. I'm going to need some help with the RP though. It's gone so far along and it's going to take me awhile to read through everything. Also, I'm not sure where I can 'spawn' my character... In the safehouse or out? I'm not sure if the former is even possible anymore, I doubt it. This is the first draft, so do tell me if it needs any tuning. I'll be fixing it up here and there though, whenever I see something that's off. [b]Name:[/b] Fong Yong Gun [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Occupation:[/b] Furniture Maker (Triad Member on the side) [b]Nationality:[/b] American Chinese [b]Appearance:[/b] Yong Gun isn't someone you'd remember from the streets. Standing at only 1.8m and being neither well-toned nor muscular, what meat he had was owed to his trade, which requires a fair bit of physical labour. His skin was a natural slightly-tanned hue, and not any darker because unlike in the old days, he didn't need to craft his furnitures out in the open - His family business had its own warehouse to work in. Being Chinese, he had black hair and dark brown eyes, the former which was taken cared of well enough that it was raven. Otherwise, his face would be plain looking, with his not-so-flat nose, not-so-high cheekbones and not-so-beady eyes. Perfect for someone counting on non-description in a shady side-job. What wasn't non-descriptive however, was the dragon tattoo covering a good part of the left of his back, going over his shoulders and onto his left chest, along with Chinese words for 'West Dragon Brotherhood' on his left ribs. As he is visiting Delaware on some... business, he's pretty well-dressed for a furniture maker, with a grey suit over white shirt. [b]Place of Residence:[/b] Washington, Seattle [b]Strengths:[/b] - Deadly fighter: While by no means a master, Yong Gun is still well-trained in hand-to-hand combat, and melee combat with swords, polearms and whatever's within reach. Has nothing to do with more modern means of subduing or killing opponents though. - Ingenuity: Yong Gun, through his martial and non-martial pursuits, became unconventionally brilliant, being able to find solutions to difficult problems more often than not, even if it requires an outlandish idea. - Handy: He's a furniture maker, so he's good with his hands and able to make or repair or tinker with things. - Loyal: He will never, ever abandon a brother or sister, never ever betray them, and the same goes for friends and allies. It might prove to be his downfall, however. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Shady Background: Although he's just a grunt in Seattle's own Chinese triad, he's already committed several crimes (arson, assault, murder). Granted he's acquitted of all of them by corrupt cops and court officials, there's always a good chance some law enforcers or people would know about him wherever he goes. - Physically Unimposing: His lacking physical build meant that when it comes to unskilled brute force in a brawl, he's going to lose. Also, it's going to take him some creativity if he wants to physically threaten a person. - Stubbornly traditional: Yong Gun is rigid in his thinking, taking into account sex, race, class and occupation when he's sizing someone up or reacting to them. He would be further burdened by some superstitions, and limited by hierarchies wherever they're present. [b]Belongings:[/b] For weapons, Yong Gun had a custom-made short Jian (Chinese straight sword) and Beretta 92FS Inox (with suppressor) with two spare magazines hidden behind his suit. He had little else but a khaki-coloured slingbag with a few cans of meat and spam, a spoon and can opener. Otherwise, his personal effects include a lighter, a pack of cigarettes, a Sony smartphone, keys to a rented Toyota car, his wallet with a few hundred dollars, and a photo of his wife, son and daughter. [b]Personality:[/b] Fong Yong Gun has always been a meek person, not unlike the office worker occupying the corner cubicle in an office setting. He spoke little and was even less showy in his actions. It was his association with the Chinese Triad, the West Dragon Brotherhood, that opened him up. He saw the need to protect his kins and clan from real and imagined threats, and he rose to the occasion. It had always come down to protecting those he was loyal to, and those he considered his own, and he would do so with relative calm, a compromise between his original meek self and the gang member he had to be. The world he came from, however, had made him a simple man, prone to othering people, prone to judging others too easily. While he bore heavy responsibility for those he considered his own, his disregard for 'the others' not his own acted as a counterbalance, such that he could ruin their lives and take them without losing a night over it. That said, being a low-ranking gang member, he was ultimately obedient and a little delusional, the perfect pawn for the games his Da Lao Ban (Big Boss) would play against rival clans and gangs, and the police. He sincerely believed that he was protecting kin, kith and clan, acting as an unofficial police force and militia of sorts, and that was taken advantaged of at worse and entertained half-heartedly at best. It was also the reason why he was never in his gang's inner circle, as the bigger boys saw him as naive and weak. [b]Other:[/b] While he's a killer and scumbag-lite, he's by no means a complete monster, and could really go either way.