Also, sorry for double post, but my sheet: [hider=The Deminutian Space Navy, Squadron M2] [hider=Origins] The Deminutian people are tiny humanoids who hail from a dwarf planet that orbits Alpha Centauri A and B. They evolved their small stature and relative weakness because of how slight the gravity of their planet is. Deminutians stand between 3 and 6 inches tall, with females averaging 3.5-4.5 inches and males averaging 4.5-5.5 inches. They look rather like tiny humans, except they have pointed ears and rather sharp-looking teeth; though they normally have a similar build to humans (five fingers and toes), it seems as though they have more susceptibility to mutations such as having extra, or too few, fingers. They on average have a fifteen-Earth-year lifespan, and reach physical maturity by age 5 and mental maturity by age 6. Deminutians breathe hydrogen, as that is all that their planet’s gravity can hold down to the surface. The Deminutian people are fairly pacifistic; with only one empire that was generally well-supported by all, their military has been a recent (within the last ten generations) development that was caused by the Deminutians’ first request to join the Galactic Senate. To do so they had to have a space navy; thus the Deminutian fleet was born. They sent their most elite squadron on this mission because they sensed the Senate was getting angry at their lack of military contributions. [/hider] Emblem: They fly the Deminutian flag: A dark purple background with silver/light gray stylized circuitry patterns covering it, with the central device of a silver/light gray crown of laurels. Colors: The colors associated with them are royal purple, silver, and black. Total Size: Seventy soldiers. Only ten really useful bodies, however (This will be explained later on, and yes, I have gotten Clock’s approval on my number of soldiers.) Culture/Traditions: Deminutians are very pacifistic; they do not like to fight, and they do not like to use force unless it is absolutely necessary. But when they do, they try their hardest to end their enemy so that they don’t need to fight again. Specialization: Deminutians are quite cunning and clever and known for thinking outside the box. Their homeworld is surprisingly rich in resources for a dwarf planet and they've made the most of them. [hider=Units] Appearance: The vast majority of Deminutian soldiers are males; although both genders are opposed to violence the males are extremely territorial, and so they generally can be more easily conditioned to fight furiously for the sake of their people. Skill: Each unit is fairly well-trained at operating their mechs and can work together seamlessly as a team—they have to, when running the mechas. This precision and almost anticipation of how each one reacts carries over to when they’re fighting alone, with just their tiny laser guns. They’d be quite formidable as an army… except for their size. Numbers: There are ten units of seven soldiers each. Equipment: Each soldier is equipped with one laser gun which is basically just the lasing crystal and a tube to focus it. They aren’t very effective for anything except the small creatures that are hunted on the Deminutian homeworld. Each unit of seven has control of one Mensi unit. These are enormous (well, to the Deminutians) robots, that stand about five to five and a half feet tall and are designed in a humanoid shape. The “head” of the mecha has a window so that the people in the control room can talk to the other people outside. It takes seven Deminutians to pilot a robot well: One is assigned to each limb for gross motor control (moving the whole limb) and an additional one is assigned to each arm for fine motor control (moving the individual fingers). A seventh oversees the operation of the whole thing. Inside each control room there is a large (relatively speaking) three-dimensional holographic display that shows the mech and its surroundings. Each of the limb pilots has a small version of this holo for reference. The controls for the limb pilots are small puppet limbs; when they are bent the whole machine moves. The finger pilots controls operate the same way, but they have to move all five fingers. Description: The Mensi are numbered 1-10 and units are referred to as such. The M in the squad designation indicates that this squadron specializes in Mensi operation. [/hider] [hider=Important Characters] [hider=Aeliryn “Aeli” Asandre] Appearance: Standing two and a little-less-than-three-quarter inches tall and weighing barely two ounces, Aeli is especially small even for her race. Her stringy medium-brown hair is badly cut into a bob. Her eyes are an especially piercing, intense blue, cold and calculating. The freckles that splash her cheekbones, as well as her somewhat childish size and form, make her look young and naïve, but don’t let that fool you. Age: Five and a quarter; developmentally the equivalent to a fifteen-year-old human, give or take a year. Rank/Position/Title: Unit Commander DSN-M2-1, Captain of Squadron DSN-M2 Equipment: She brought only the standard equipment. Personality: Aeli is an extremely intelligent girl and she’s not a fool, despite her age. She’s a shrewd and cunning commander, if very, very demanding of her subordinates. It’s thought that she runs the most cohesive squadron in all of the Deminutian navy. She’s absolutely ruthless in battle situations, driven by an all-consuming desire to be the best. As a person, others find it hard to relate to her; she’s arrogant and cocky and has a very much abrasive personality. She has few people she actually trusts, and fewer still that she actually likes. Bio: Aeli was the only child of Saelosti Asandre, a renowned commander of the Deminutian navy. He wanted a son, but instead he got Aeli. A sickly runt of a little girl. Aeli never knew her mother; she died due to complications of childbirth. But if Saelosti couldn’t have a son, he’d educate his daughter as though she were a son: Military tactics, math and science, all the things that boys learn and girls don’t. She was clever and absorbed the lessons rapidly. On her fourth birthday she enlisted in the navy; when they tried to refuse her, her father pulled rank and made them test her along with the boys her age. She came out the top of her class, raced through command school, and was the commander of a Mensi team within three months, though this was mostly due to her father’s power and overwhelming desire for his daughter to succeed. But then Aeli’s potential as a commander really started to shine through; by her fifth birthday she was the commander of the whole squadron, the youngest in the Deminutian military’s (brief) history. [/hider] [hider=Kaiov Niredus] [i][i]note, just because Kaiov is one of my named characters *doesn’t* necessarily mean he and his unit need to survive the whole RP.[/i][/i] Appearance: Kaiov is tall… for a Deminutian. He stands just shy of six inches tall. He’s quite muscular, weighing about eight ounces. With his rugged features, dark hair, and dark eyes, he’s a real “looker”. Age: Seven and three quarter (something like a 28 year old human) Rank/Position/Title: Unit Commander DSN-M2-2, Lieutenant of Squadron DSN-M2 Equipment: As with most of the other soldiers, Kaiov brought only the standard equipment. Personality: Kaiov is there seemingly to balance Aeli. He is quite laid-back most of the time and helps improve his soldier’s morale (especially after they get an Aeli-tongue-thrashing). He’s generally an aloof “doofus”… when off-duty. When it comes time to fight he dials in, sometimes even more intense than Aeli. The military is his life; he wouldn’t take time off to go back to the homeworld and raise a family, even though he’s more than earned it. Bio: He’s been a low-level soldier since his fourth birthday; he ascended to a position of command about a year ago, and was then pulled into Aeli’s squadron when she started throwing out the ones who were lazy and stupid. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] EDIT: Also, am I the only girl here? O.o