[color=6ecff6]Marcus and his female superior navigated in and out of each street alleyway and corner to exfiltrate themselves from the area of operations. Though she seemed hyped about their small success, she couldn't help but ask why he was looking so glum all the time. She hadn't seen the note he left for the saleswoman, or whatever she was, but she could tell something was bothering him. In truth, it was the thought of knowing he will die soon-enough at the hands of either the Resistance he would be forced to challenge, or the New-Order not wanting his alliance any more. It would've at least made sense for her to know about that fact of his upcoming death, wouldn't it? Though, something just buried deep into his psychic ideas to question what he knew. She continued to ask him again and again, but only asking questions back helped to divert her from getting the answer she wanted. In saying so, Marcus managed to finally get her to contact the other teams. "Alright...we got the area laid out and the building seems very little on security. But still go through with it, and prepare for some of the ambushing, I wouldn't go without armament...I'm calling this an all-hands-ago from my end, but your move is your decision. Out." She cut the radio signal, looking back at Marcus. "Anyway...something's bothering you, now that is taken care of." It took a while for Marcus to answer himself, but he got the answer out eventually. "You...do realise where my life is going now...now that I'm here?" She tilted her head. "Uhh...y'know...they will kill me...like...they always do to Operatives who they don't need." She tilted her head further, stopping outside a rugged and dismantled shop, broken down and ripped into a abandoned wasteland of itself. Marcus sighed. "B-but...you were only M.I.A, you haven't done anything wrong?" "T-that's the th-thing...I wasn't...I left...I r-rebelled...I-I'm not part of the New-Order anymore...I-I never was." He felt her hand moving towards her pistol hilt, the weapon she recollected off of the Bouncer on her way out. "B-but...I'm not going back...I...I can't, right?" She knew that he wasn't a trustable person, but she couldn't exactly shoot him. She felt the surge of sympathy, knowing that if he told her everything that was true, he was no more than an unfortunate soul doomed to be killed. It scared her slightly, as she-herself was an Operative of her own. "T-this can h-h-happen to you two!" Her had froze, not even wrapped around the handle yet. She felt more fear as well. There was some doubt in what she had really been working for, but she couldn't believe it just yet, soon she edged her hand away. She must keep her role in play, rather than letting her negative emotions get the best of her. "Pfft...oh well...come on...get back so we can rest you...alright...and you can start calling me Rosa, y'know...my name...instead of nothing." She gave a semi-warming grin, though it was one that showed much uncomfortable-ness in what she had been told.[/color]