[@CorpusMundus] [b]Timaeus, Daemon Prince - Munich, Germany[/b] The Cultist quickly prepared and hopped into the Chimera while the Daemon Prince followed them flying at a distance. This is a world with much potential, however he was the only Champion of Chaos there. For that reason, he could feel the presence of the Chaos Gods slowly empowering him, so that he may spread Chaos through worlds and universes. Transforming great worlds into daemons worlds, killing all those who oppose Chaos! They quickly arrive at the location indicated, before activating it and doing what the mortal indicated, he ripped the Matterium apart, calling hundreds of lesser daemons of several allegiances to serve him. Daemonettes, Horrors, Bloodletters, Nurglings, Flamers and Plaguebearers were summoned to his will, and he ordered them to build shrines of the Chaos Gods and Undivided in this city. Of which will become the holy ground of this world. [b]Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead - Cairo, Egypt[/b] The Undead spread through the city, looting through it and equiping themselves with improvised weapons. However, it seemed that old weapons weren't really avaliable in the city, so instead of swords, the most common weapon would be a steel pipe. As they did so, Nagash was raising improvised Black Knights by the graveyard of this great city, which once housed many but now deserted and left only with a shred of it's former glory, till one of his undead reported the find of a curious structure. Of which, he went to investigate. It was a Egyptian gate, tall and wide and of which Nagash could feel the familiar energy of the Winds of Magic. Curious of that, he activated it and stepped on the portal which opened on the gate.