Name: Lorenza Arvid Carter Alias: Arvid Carter Age: 33 Gender: Male Origin: Born in Mexico. Current Occupation: Huntsman Appearance: Square jawed, pale skinned, with no facial hair to speak of. Arvid has a prominent scar that passes over the left corner of his mouth. He has dark brown hair, worn short in an undercut fashion. He is 6'2", thin but still toned, and lanky. He wears a vest made of aged horse hide, with small pads extending over the shoulders. Over this, he wears a belt from left shoulder to right hip, and another belt in traditional position. His pants are tweed breeches. On his left hip, he wears a colt single action army, made of gunmetal. Personality: Arvid is loyal to his family, fiercely so. He hates those who take advantage of others, and has a strong sense of honor, however, he is gullible, and will compromise his code of honor if it would save himself. He wanders the west in search of a purpose in life, wanting to see new places and do what he believes is right. He has a fear of death, and often contemplates what comes after. Arvid has no personal religious beliefs, but he does think that a higher power exists. Arvid loves fighting, and often smiles when he gets the upper-hand in a fight. Skills/Abilities: Arvid is a very good shot, with years of hunting on his belt. Arvid trained in various bar brawls, eventually creating a hand-to-hand fighting style, crafted for spontaneous fights, the style is very defensive, focusing on waiting for his opponent to slip up, and if that doesn't work, he shoots them, often after a punch to get them off of him long enough to draw and fire. Miscellaneous: Arvid speaks in a Mexican accent and is fluent in Spanish. History/Bio: Lorenza Arvid Carter was born to a Mexican woman, and an American man. Abraham Carver was a fugitive, running from the law, on charges of murder and arson, which were completely founded, but Carver had a reason, a reason that he took to the grave with him. Maria Carter was the daughter of a Mexican farmer, raised on a ranch with six brothers and two sisters. The two met when Abraham crossed the border to escape the law, they were married within the month. Eventually, Lorenza was born, his name was chosen before they discovered his sex, and Maria refused any attempt Abraham made to change it. The two ran into the wilderness, becoming hunters who sold the pelts of Pronghorns to the highest bidder, eventually building a log cabin near a river, just off of the American border. Growing up, Arvid (As his father called him) was a hyperactive child, who loved to help his father hunt, Lorenza (As his mother called him) also loved being with his mother. A few weeks after Arvid's fifteenth birthday, american authorities took Abraham away in the dead of the night, executing him for his crimes. Arvid and his father were hunting when they heard footsteps off of the beaten path, with Abraham informing his son to hide in the bushes. A few minutes later, Arvid emerged to find his father's gun laying on the ground. Due to this, Arvid, in pure rage, rode across the border, engaging in a shootout with the law. Barely escaping with his life, Arvid began travelling, as outlaws aren't very good at holding jobs. Arvid wrote to his mother often, he was pleased at the fact that she was able to live on her own, promising to return someday at the end of every letter he wrote. Arvid made a living hunting, using the knowledge his father passed on, travelling from town to town with whatever pelts he had gotten, selling to whoever would buy it, and living off of the meat. Arvid had already been in Laredo multiple times, only returning now to finally rest and stop travelling for a while, he was unsure as to how long it would last Secrets: Arvid doesn't want anyone but his mother calling him by his actual first name.