Just putting this here until the campaign starts Name: Cain Class: Elementalist: Wanderer Fighting Stats [-] Vitality: 6+ Strength: 12+ Defense: 2+ Magic: 1+ Resistance: 5+ Speed: 5+ Skill: 3+ Charm: 2+ Personality Stats [-] Persuasion: 2+(Charm) Lie:2+ (Charm) Knowledge: 3+ (Skill) Perception: 3+ (Skill) Intimidation: 12+ (Strength) Calculated Stats [-] HP:11 (Class max HD + Vit mod) Dodge: 3+ (Spd stat + bonuses) Attack: 1d20 + 12+ 1d4 Fortitude Defense: 2+ (Def mod + class bonus) Will Defense: 6+ (Res mod + class bonus) 1 Reflex Defense: 6+ (Spd mod + class bonus) 1 Weapon Skills [-] Unarmed: 1d4 Supplemental Information 2+ Knowledge about the military Background: [b]Sellsword[/b] Cain was born to a Poor Single Mother, who used to be a Retired martial artist in a poor city called Scaran. where poverty ran amok and so did crime. Cain did what he could to survive, and in order to make it past the age of 10 Cain's mother taught him how to fight with his fists. how to defend himself, and survive on the streets. Cain respected his mother greatly, and in return for her teachings Cain felt like he owed her, and spent his life trying to scavenge enough money to get out of the crapsack city he lived in, so, Cain turned to mercenary work. using his fists to fight evil and make profit at the same time. But however due to his Conscience no one would hire him. because who would hire a Goody-two-shoes mercenary?. but however Cain didn't give up. Cue campaign. Origin: non-relevant yet (relevant after we determine time/continent) Description:[img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/11bfadad876fcfcaf829691237811c401228970590_full.jpg[/img])