[@OnlyThePie] I'd be happy to answer your questions! The Song is this worlds version of magic. It's a very intricate and personalized magic, by that I mean magic isn't merely something that requires a few arcane words and hand gestures to get an effect. It is tied to the very mythos of creation (which I am currently writing), but basically everything was brought into creation with The Song, so when a Dragon Rider uses magic they are controlling the building blocks of creation to a very small degree. Magic gets its name because when you use The Song you hear music, you hear and feel creation all around you. It is highly addictive and dangerous. Addictive because of the power that one can use and dangerous because it can fry the mind and overload the senses. We will go through several training sessions, where your characters will be first taught how to hear The Song around them, and then how to effect it. You can use any weapon you'd like. Pick whatever fits best with your character and you'll be trained to use that weapon. A picture of your character is not mandatory, but can be useful. A picture AND description of your dragon will be mandatory once they become Drakes. Narrative will not be moving forward too fast. There will be time skips here and there, but the nature of this RP will take place over a long time. So I would not expect to be flying on your dragon any-time soon. I'd like to delve into the relationship between dragon and rider, and other riders and ...well... of course things will happen to cause different kinds of conflict in the story. Hopefully that answers some questions. I'm more than willing to help with character creation. I wouldn't worry about Weapons or The Song right now, that information will not be relevant right away and you can edit your sheet as it does become necessary.