Name: Threat Neutralization Squad 201, or TN-201. Since it can sound a bit like TNT, they like to call themselves Squad Dynamite. Origins: Their race is Majin, a race of sentient humanoid AIs. Their creator race, the Djinn, were slowly going extinct due to a hostile world that was dying. Rather than face extinction, and not having enough research in space travel, they decided to upload their consciousness into robotic frames. They can range anywhere from 4 feet to 8 feet in height in their frames, and only one Majin or 'program' can be run in a frame at a time. Most prefer to live in large servers that can host thousands of Majin, with them heading out into a frame when they need to perform maintenance or defend themselves. Emblem: No emblem, just a red 201 imprinted onto their chassis. Culture/Traditions: Being organic and synthetic, they don't feel entirely comfortable in either realm. They get along well enough with both organics and synthetics, but don't belong to either. In a situation where they feel uncomfortable, or scared (and they can be scared), they like to resort to private channels that only Majin can access. This communication is fast and almost unnoticeable to organics, but leaves organics out of the loop and synthetics wondering what they are talking about. Specialization: Tough to Kill. They feel no pain, only discomfort, so they can't be incapacitated via normal methods. The only way to kill them is to destroy their AI core, flood the core with massive amounts of junk data, or cut them off from an electrical supply and let them 'starve' from lack of electricity. They can be rendered helpless by massively damaging their frame, but given time and materials they can repair themselves - though they'll usually need another's help to do that. Units: No standard unit. Majin consider themselves too hardy to die given their bodies. When they fight, they prefer highly specialized frames and small groups of soldiers. This leaves them vulnerable to large scale invasion, but works well in smaller fights. And given their hardiness, they consider dying nearly a sin. So to prevent that, they prefer to give their soldiers the best equipment possible. ((Since this will be a small group of specialists, I'm not going to make them super badass heroes - they'll be killable like everyone else)) Important Characters: [hider=TN-201L/LT] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 24 years of Operation. Title: 201L, or the Leader of TN-201. Given they have no standard military, they assign Majin by their squad and what their role is. Equipment: UST-28: A squad fully automatic weapon that shoots depleted uranium rounds at 800 rpm. EML-P: A prototype electro-magnetic railgun. Mounted on his shoulder, it fires small tungsten-uranium rounds at near relativistic speeds. Ammo isn't the concern; power is. Only has enough spare batteries for eight shots. Can fire two shots before reloading and overheating. Sonic Grenade: TN-201L carries 5 of these. They are designed to work in atmo and give a fairly accurate mapping of the area. Particularly effective in corridors and tunnels. Can also be used to incapacitate organics. Personality: Very by the book and no-nonsense. Always calm and usually has a good feel for a situation. Don't expect much small talk from him. Bio: LT was specially made and designed for combat scenarios. Given his training and lack of socialization, he's very closed off from most others. He's only comfortable with those he's known for a long time, and even then he's not very emotive. This is offset by his tactical prowess. [/hider] [hider=TN-201H/Hephaestus] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 20 years of Operation Title: Squad Heavy Support Equipment: HML-5/The Hammer: A plasma launcher that can take raw materials and, given time, convert it into hot plasma. Fires in three modes. The first mode is a long range stream of particles that can melt most materials and set them on fire. The second mode fires small blobs of plasma as bullets. Equivalent to a hand cannon in terms of power and rate of fire. The third mode fires something similar to an RPG, but takes time to charge and shape. An outer layer of plasma is cooled down to a solid, while the core is still melted. The end is still plasma, shooting off the projectile which then explodes when it hits the target. Nuclear-Fission Reactor: Given the amount of power the Hammer requires, Hephaestus requires a reactor to function. Normally this wouldn't be noteworthy, but Hephaestus has over ridden the codes to keep the reactor safe; if need be, he can overload it and detonate his body in a small nuclear explosion. Personality: TN-201H, or Hephaestus as he prefers, is a very jovial Majin. He takes his duty seriously, but is otherwise a very happy and fun AI. He likes to joke around and prank organics, since they usually expect him to be cold and uptight. Bio: Hephaestus started out as a miner, gathering and melting down ore for the Majin. When he was 12, he decided to become a soldier, converting his mining chassis into a fighter. He adapted his core and arm to fire the plasma as projectiles, and was designated as a support role. He's never been happier. [/hider] [hider=TN-201R/Ralph] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 14 years of Operation Title: Heavy Repair Specialist Equipment: Hydraulic Chassis: Ralph's chassis is all he's got. Not a soldier, he focuses on lifting heavy objects and providing sheer power. But in a pinch he can tackle and wrestle enemies, relying on his power to win. It helps he's 8 feet tall. Personality: The equivalent of a new adult for the Majin, Ralph is eager to learn and contribute. He's very easy going, but tends to be quiet in new or uncomfortable situations. Bio: A constructor and repairer, Ralph volunteered in the military when he heard he could help other races and explore the galaxy. Dragging his best friend, Tess, along, he's hoping to contribute to fixing whatever mess has befallen the station. [/hider] [hider=TN-201T/Tess] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 16 years of Operation Title: Tech Specialist Equipment: Two Rotary Fine Control Hands: Hands and arms that act as fine tuned tools, they can also be converted into a secondary tool of the user's choice. Minifacturing Torch: A small industrial quality torch that can take raw materials and convert them into something useful using a blueprint. Can also be used as a regular, high temperature plasma torch. AR-20: A small automatic rifle that is common in planetary militias. Fires 30 rounds in a magazine. Tess has integrated it into one of her arms, and with a bit of tech know-how has reduced the reload speed to only 1.5 seconds. Personality: A very cynical, sardonic individual, she was convinced to join the military by Ralph. Can be very abrasive and dismissive of others, but has a soft spot for Ralph. Bio: A techy that specializes in minifacturing and miniature repairs, Tess is a good fit for any of the smaller, finite repairs that many Majin need at some point in their lives. She's particularly adept at interfacing with new systems, or systems from other races. She's a also taken a liking to human culture, and wears a jacket to emulate them. Unfortunately, she also likes to be snarky and sarcastic with others. [/hider] [hider=TN-201CQ/CQ] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 23 years of Operation Title: Close Quarters Specialist Equipment: MEB-C: A close quarters flamethrower, this weapon sprays out a highly volatile mixture that ignites on touch. Can reach out 40 feet. Only works in atmo. HS-8/Scattergun: A shotgun. Can fire explosive rounds that detonate on impact, regular shotgun shells, or, if needed, shredded metal. Using scrap metal for this purpose though quickly wears out the gun. Personality: What some would call 'quirky', others call, 'deranged'. CQ is highly fascinated by the physical world, having spent the first half of her life entirely in a server. She particularly likes the physics of the real world, and even more particularly, she likes thermodynamics. For a pyromaniac, she's very concerned with why things burn, rather than the what or the how. Bio: Having spent the first half of her life in a server, she has a strong desire to explore the universe. To that end, she joined the military, one of the main ways for a Majin to get into a chassis. She's known LT and Hephaestus for most of her military career. [/hider] [hider=TN-201DMS/Slate] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Age: 20 years of Operation Title: Designated Marksman/Sniper Equipment: CS-2020/Betty: A large sniper rifle that basically amounts to a cannon. This particular model is designed to pierce dense armor, and then explode on the other side. The definition of a tank killer. Slate only has room for 20 of the rounds that this behemoth fires. CS-1000/Billy: A much smaller version of the Betty, this rifle is meant for taking down lightly armored units with precision fire. Slate has hundreds of standard rounds for this, but also has 10 rounds that are coated with a delicate poison that is lethal to most known organics. Arc Pistol: This is Slate's sidearm. Fires ferro-magnetic rounds that generate an electrical current when fired. Zaps the target good. Personality: Slate likes to speak softly and carry a big stick. Bio: A loner, Slate hates the crowded servers other Majin flock to. He joined the military at 8, and quickly became a master marksman. Although his skills may not be terribly useful on a compact space station, LT thought it would be good to cover all the bases. To that end, Slate is one of the best snipers the Majin have to offer. [/hider] [hr] So, that's that! Small squad, each with their strengths and weaknesses. And before anyone asks, yes, I recognize people are supposed to die in this RP. I'm planning on it. No redshirts here, so that means more of an emotional impact... hopefully. If any changes need to be made, or if there are any questions/concerns, I'd be more than happy to address them!