[color=007236][center][h1]Hunter Monroe[/h1][/center][/color] [color=f7941d][center]The Apartment[/center][/color] Hunter looked up from cleaning his shotgun to see Sarah. He wasn't really sure how to respond, he never really knew how to work with people. Though even behind those sunglasses he could she wasn't mad anymore, well. Not as much at least. Though mad wasn't the word was it, it was closer to sad then anything else, sad with a touch of [i]"Get the fuck away from me".[/i] Hunter reassembled his shotgun and put it back into his back with the handle sticking out. "[color=007236]I am sorry about your friend. I can tell he was close to you. It's never easy losing someone close to you, especially as close as you two seemed.[/color]" Hunter was pretty sure he saw a ring at one point. He thought it would seem strange if he started looking now so he assumed it was a bad time to start. But he knew they were definitely close, his best guess is pretty close to marriage as well. "[color=007236]I'm not saying what you went through is what everyone went through, but you are not alone in this. I don't know about the others, but if you ever need anything let me know okay? I promise I can do more then waste a ton of ammunition into drywall.[/color]" Hunter did a small laugh, he wasn't really sure what to do other then that. He just wanted her to feel better about the situation. Hunter looked at his bag with the shotgun handle sticking out of it. "[color=007236]In basic, they teach us to clean our weapons daily to prevent them from jamming, especially if we are in a combat zone. Guess I fucked that one up pretty bad.[/color]" He sat with his thoughts for a moment. "[color=007236]We do need to get to that safe zone though, every day we are out here is another day we are likely to get killed. Ammo is becoming harder to get, even harder to reload casings as well to be honest, and there are a lot of people that will kill for what ever you might have. I mean, my rifle alone was the reason that me and my partner were attacked well trying to get through the city.[/color]" He looked at his rifle for a moment. "[color=007236]Plus, things break, once those things break, it gets a lot harder to survive. That rifle I have, it's actually two rifles that I took the best parts from each over the course of a few weeks to keep functioning. Several parts in it are already busted, which sucks to be honest.[/color]" He laughed at the thought of some things he heard in basic. "[color=007236]I remember Jim telling me, that these rifles were some of the best assault rifles in the world, with one big down side. They are very high maintenance. But as long as you have a way to keep replacing the parts and keep cleaning the ones that work, you'll be fine. Then all this shit happens.[/color]" Hunter was basically just trying to keep his mind off his deep thoughts, many thoughts either scared him or he was worried they may scare Sarah. He didn't want to risk it either way. "[color=007236]He must have been a pretty awesome guy to have been with someone like you. I wish I had gotten the chance to meet him before all this happened.[/color]"