Jacob deeply wished that he had instead been assigned to the parade in the city. The outpost was damn near dead silent, with barely a peep from the various troopers manning the walls and the inside of the outpost. Nobody wanted to risk the captain's wrath by even so much as giving the impression that they were slacking off. Surveying the surrounding landscape only made him sigh out of boredom; while he loved his homeworld well enough, Jacob thought that it was the ugliest thing in the galaxy second only to a Hutt's backside. Fitting, as the planet was named after a Hutt. Now with him and his patrol partner standing at the front gate as per the Captain's orders, Jacob's train of thought was broken by something heavy clunking against his helmet. Looking down he saw a pair of binoculars, a high-powered pair used by their lookouts. Snoring from above confirmed his suspicions: The lookout above fell asleep on the job. Looking up, he could see that the trooper was fast asleep with his feet propped up on the raised part of the wall. He grabbed the binoculars and tossed them back up to the lookout with a considerable amount of force, and could hear a heavy thud as the tool bounced off of the man's helmet and onto the floor. "Wha-Whodidthat!?" The trooper looked above him in his groggy state, and then below to see Jacob looking back up and him. "Hey, what's your deal!?" "What's MY deal? I'm not the one sleeping on-duty! Get off your ass and do your job! You aren't being paid to drop expensive equipment off of walls!" The lookout's response was about what Jacob expected, with him rolling his eyes and waving his hand at Jacob in a dismissive manner. At least he got back to work though, and that's all Jacob was trying to do. He didn't like this position any more than any one else did. To Jacob's great relief, it appeared that the monotony was about to be broken. A shuttle landed a few meters from the front gate of the outpost. To his surprise, Jacob saw two storm troopers exit out of the back. He could see a bunch of crates inside, though he couldn't quite make out what they held. One of the storm troopers beckoned towards Jacob and his partner, and then jabbed his thumb at the crates. Jacob complied, believing that a storm trooper requesting assistance with something was more than a good enough reason to leave his post. The four men exchanged salutes, with Jacob greeting first. "Corporal Parson at your service. My partner here is Private Daniels. You need us for anything?" The storm trooper to Jacob's right looked to his comrade, who shook his head. "I wish we could return the courtesy, trooper, but we're under a strict order of silence. Can't even tell you our rank." What could be so important about this shipment that even basic information can't be shared? Jacob didn't like this at all, but he knew better than to pry. "But yes, we could use your assistance. Won't be long though so you'll be able to get back to your post soon. Pick up a crate and haul it to the front gate. Don't take it any further, and do NOT look inside them. Trusted men will take the crates into the outpost itself." Jacob and Daniels agreed to help, and the four troopers moved the crates, about fifteen in total, to the front gates of the outpost. Some were light, and some were very heavy. Daniels swore he heard clicking coming from one of his, but Jacob told him to keep it to himself. After the last crate was delivered to the front, a small squad of soldiers in black armor shoved Jacob and Daniels to the side and took over, putting the crates onto carrier docks in groups of three and driving them inside the outpost, into the center of the compound. The storm troopers followed suite, and the shuttle took off back to the city, leaving two very confused troopers behind.