[@Archmage MC] After re-reading Light's sheet she's a fun idea but to me she just doesn't fit the RP. She almost seems too silly, not that I'm saying this is a gritty RP but to me she's just too different. I think what bothers me most is the fact that Light appears so out of place. I just don't see the concept working in the long run. [@Hillan] Julian is looking good. I don't have any issues with the CS aside from it being incomplete at this moment. [@Avanhelsing] I like Jack, although I do think it's a little boring that he seems to just be a male Catwoman. Would have been interesting if his male parentage had given him some interesting gifts such as metahuman abilities. If you don't want to change him, I'd be happy to accept him once you've double checked the rules ;) [@Tyler] Everything looks good, as always I'm hesitant towards weather manipulation since it covers such a wide range of abilities but yours seem well balanced and checked. Will be happy to accept it once you've double checked the rules. [@Blue Demon] As above, everything is looking quite good but the rules do need to be adhered to. Just missing one small detail. [@Mr Allen J] I've accepted it before, I'll accept it again! Welcome aboard.