They were quickly emptying the bottle of booze at this rate, Dusk slid into her seat and chuckled at Anita's observation "Yeah... Seems to be that kinda night" she paused toying with the napkin in her fingers, she couldn't quite ignore this now that her curiosity had been caught but she was really unsure on how to act on it. Self preservation screamed in her thoughts- she could just ignore 'M's plea and leave but that flutter of excitement in the pit of her stomach was just too hard to ignore. Which brought her back to Anita's question. "Hun, you don't want to be familiar THAT" nodding to the bar ".....Dominic Lozano is fine specimen of everything that's wrong with this fucking city". Dusk paused again raising an eyebrow at Anita "[I]and[/I] he is a strictly New Order merchandiser...." [I]So Whats New Order lap dog like Dominic doing in a fucking Nexus hotspot?[/I] She thought. Dusk shifted uneasily and checked her watch, it was after midnight. Nothing good comes after midnight. "Anita, Do you believe in coincidences?"