[center][h2][color=6ecff6]Isa : Anisim Misolav[/color][/h2][/center] [@KatherinWinter] [color=8882be][i]Isa woke in his room, his head throbbing, and he wondered why that would be the case. Then he remembered, and smiled. True, things hadn't gone as he'd hoped, but then the group had functioned entirely as individuals and not a team. Isa was now certain that the group could take Vlad's guards whenever they wanted to. They simply had to work together long enough to get out, and they would be out. The hard part of course, would be convincing everyone to work together for that long at least. Isa kinda hoped that some of the group would stay together, so he wouldn't have to hunt his sisters alone, he'd certainly welcome the income offered by a semi-consistent gig as a private security contractor. Isa rose slowly, stretching stiff muscles and sore limbs. Ahhh, today would be interesting, it was to be classes today, if Isa recalled correctly, though with his head in it's current state he wouldn't be surprised if his recollection was erroneous. What would Vlad be teaching the team today he wondered, as he dressed in another of those hideous outfits, orange coveralls over a black t-shirt. He also wondered who would still be allowed to interact with each other, after yesterday's little happy hour together, he suspected that interaction would be limited.[/i][/color]