Aqua, who had been greeted by the little girl, found herself dragged towards the two white-haired individuals. One with a cane, and the other with... something transparent, floating around her body. Somehow, this wasn't all that weirder than things Aqua had seen before, though still somewhat unique. The young boy, speaking with some hostility, initially put Aqua on guard a she assessed him. Despite his apparent condition, he was willing to fight? No... his concern seemed to lie with the cute little girl. And, a magician? Aqua wasn't sure how he came to that conclusion. Surely, her magic couldn't be comparable to that of Merlin? She sensed a great power from that old man... still, he was at least aware of magic, so that was the kind of world this was? Well, anyway, she had to dispel any misgivings this boy had. Holding her hands up, Aqua replied, "I promise, I'm not here to hurt anyone. My name is Aqua, and I'm just... lost, I guess?" It certainly wasn't a lie, but given that announcing her off-world status wasn't exactly encouraged, she'd have to hide that particular fact, for now. Her eyes drifted to the girl in green, who had seemingly flew to reach this rooftop. She carried swords with her, so she was presumably a warrior, but evidently wasn't antagonistic. With any luck, they could avoid a needless battle.