Cecelia looked puzzled at the less mature mage. [color=green]"Icebreaker game? What would one be? I don't know of any."[/color] Understanding the need to bond, Cecelia finally answers the question from the first mage. [color=green]"And to be more blunt, I'm worried about a mission involving stealth with two mages in the mix. No offense to mages, I just figured it would be a scouting group or some group more used to taking over silently. Again, I mean to offend neither of you, I'm just not used to including mages in scouting or 'hunting' parties, as this may be a more accurate case."[/color] Offering a small smile and raised shoulder as a means of sorry, Cecelia averted her gaze, transfixing herself on the intricacy of the horse's mane.