[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Fw6EXJT.jpg[/img] Name: Alyssa Jung Age: 15 Skills: Acrobatic, Parkour, Athletic, Minor at Hand to Hand combat, bilingual, good at lying(actress), Gymnastics. Power: Weather manipulation Bio: Alyssa wasn't that good at being herself, she always wanted to fit in every time there was someone more popular than she was. As she was growing up, Alyssa had some issues with listening to what others say, not even to her parents. It is why, she was sent to the camp, not just for her to learn about her powers but to learn how to behave with adults and to somewhat change her attitude, also Alyssa could get a bit shy, even when she is talkative. Especially when there's a lot of people around her. Oh and do not let her pretty face fool you!~[/center]