[@OtomostheCrazy][@Rogue Colm][@Hipster] Loghain was at the head of the group, trying his hardest to ignore the prattling of his charges. Once everything seemed to quiet down, he decided to answer the young mage. [color=gray]"Maric and I ran into the Wilds to escape the Orlesians. Survived there for... three days."[/color] He said as he pulled a thin strip of jerky out of his pack and began to gnaw on it. And so you traveled on horseback for a week. Loghain had refused to stay at any inn in the south, instead having your group camp in the wilderness to avoid the Orlesians crawling all over the cities. Finally, on the morning of the seventh day, you made it to the Wilds. Just past a few groupings of trees, you see where the woods begin to get even thicker. A thick mist pours out of the treeline, making things even colder. As you dismount your horses, Loghain begins to lead them behind a thicket of trees, tying them off to a stump. [color=gray]"Follow me."[/color] He says. [color=gray]"Daylight is even scarcer in the Wilds. Be on your guard."[/color] Not waiting to see if any of you follow him, Loghain begins to make his way into the Wilds.