[center][img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Knight%20and%20bodyguard/anime-Anime-Original-43E043F04300441043D044B04350-43D044F0448043A04380-991009_zpsaf0898f4.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Valentine Sel'Lei [b]Age:[/b] 117 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Seldin Elf [b]Class:[/b] Paladin? [b]Personality:[/b] Val holds herself with pride and strength even in the harshest of situations, she aims to be the pillar that people may lean on in their time of need however her mistrust of people from being betrayed has made her very cautious around others. Very protective, especially towards younger people that she sees as more innocent and yet to be tarnished by the grim world. She is extremely cunning and can judge peoples fighting ability fairly well and hide hers, but if seen in the heat of battle one may see a smile cross her otherwise ladylike face, for the thrill of battle is something installed deep within her and as much as she hates to admit it... She loves it. She also has a soft side and is weak to girlish flattery such as 'cute', but thankfully given how the city is she rarely has to deal with such things. [b]Background:[/b] Val would never know why she was abandoned at the human convent by her race, as Seldin elves all take care of the children of their race and not just the parents, but she could only regret that it was this convent that fate had taken her too. When she was but a small child she remembered a kindly women that often came to visit her, she never seemed to age despite looking human and she always brought treats and because of this Val was sure that the kindly women did not know of the convents dark secrets... A old and almost forgotten dark god of death and battle was worshiped, the children its future acolytes and even little Valentine would join their ranks as one of their most powerful tools. What they did not expect was that very god to turn on their horrid ways, since as much as it embodied death within battle it also held honor within high regard as well and so it picked his sword, its champion to rid the world of these fools. Slaughter, that is the only word that could possibly describe the fate of everyone within the convent. With the power of her god it was a easy feat to accomplish but killing what was her only family left a deep scar on her heart. There was only one way for her to repair what was broke; to find the only innocent and kind women that had visited her for all those years, her only love. Over one hundred years have passed in her search and she has become known as a true paladin of good, refusing to ever utter the name of her dying god in fear it may bring about more horrors but now she has been called by the ruler of Sa'Renak. With his resources she is sure to finally find her... [b]Powers:[/b] Paladin's Holy Soul: Despite her gods domain the power that it bestows still comes from that of a holy being and so the sacred rights and ritarals of blessing and praying are still the same as any other paladin, hence how she was able to hide herself as a truly good paladin. Avatar of the Dark God: By channeling her gods power through her very being she is able to gain great temporary power. Transforming her armor and arms along with her physical form into that befitting a avatar. [hider=Avatar] [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Knight%20and%20bodyguard/Reginleivfull1107578-1_zps9789455b.jpg[/img] Her hair is naturally white after transforming the first time, the transformation bringing her back to that original state [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Knight%20and%20bodyguard/583625_zpsc94f2bbc.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] Weapon Master: She is able to use many different weapons, though not to the level that people who focus only on the sword can do Mounted Warrior: She is able to easily fight while mounted Knowledge of the Light & Dark: As a paladin she has a lot of knowledge about gods and the dark forces, in a hunting sense... [b]Weapons / Equipment:[/b] Holy Marked Longsword Buckler shield Full plate Armor Provisions Armored Horse Lance