Hello guys, so a book I’m reading is inspiring me to try a new type of high casual/low advanced RP. The premise is simple: a bunch of modern people end up in medieval England. They have very few items on themselves and no knowledge of how to get out. Their quest is thus to either adapt to the new lifestyle or [i]survive[/i] it and go back home. For this RP I want realism so quite a bit of research will be necessary on both my side and the players’. I intend this to be less “anime” or comedy style and more serious challenge/culture shock type of RP. We’d face serious problems such as religion being connected to social status, women being treated like items and having to fish or hunt for food. Magic might or might not exist, which would be a storyline when we start. As for the manner in which we play, I’d like us all to work on establishing the world by each player adopting one main character (either a modern person or a local) and one secondary character who is local. The secondary characters will serve to spice things up and don’t need to follow through the whole story – they can disappear and reappear as needed, and every player can have multiple such characters. Also I intend to add chance/fate as a thing. So every once a month, we’ll be rolling dice or drawing sticks about what happens to characters. For example, we decide that someone should get a severe illness and roll dice/vote on who it’s going to be. Lastly, due to bad past experience, I’ll be quite rigid with rules. I’ll expect at least one post every two weeks. The first time someone misses a deadline (without alerting me beforehand), their character gets in trouble. The second time, they get killed or something along those lines. More rules will be added in case there’s enough interest for this to be a thing. So, let me know if you’re interested. Ideas are also always welcome. ^ ^