[hider=Edward "Phantom" Johanson] Name:Edward "Phantom" Johanson Age: 36 Gender: Male Disposition: Does not like to stay in poorly ventilated rooms, Agility over Defense, Fond of hand to hand combat, Loyal to ones deserving of it, likes to add vanity and a name to his Frame. [Hider=Background:] Earliest memories he has and still looks back on with nostalgia are from his childhood home, it was only a beautiful view from the front door to a nearby lake, one he spent most of his childhood playing around. His family was caring but they were nearly penniless. They could bring home just enough food to live but he never was one to complain. When he started schooling himself in a nearby settlement to better work at this world he came across Frames while researching into other countries and politics. While he got interested in Frames he looked up all he could find of them and he knew they were his thing. One day the settlement was ran to the ground while he was away. Rubble and what was left of the people living there covered the now ghost town. Some years later when the opportunity to serve under the army of South Sotraecan Union he jumped at the chance to get to see Frames in person for he has been on such small towns where Frames were not used. He had it rough while trying to rise the ranks to get to become a Frame pilot but the effort paid off in the end as he was assigned to the 72nd Strike Platoon, while he was fielded few time he had gained experience but he really could not have prepared for what was coming for them. His platoon was sent to covertly assault an enemy base, His squad was to be the vanguard scouting out the enemy positions, they had 2 ‘light’ Frames and 4 ‘medium’ ones (I’ll actually look further into the names when we actually see more Frames, otherwise you probably can already know what they are atm). They were walking, the radar was showing nothing nor did they get any visual. Suddenly they were jammed and he started looking around. The first strike hit the other ‘Light’ Frame taking it out in one hit and then the enemy started surrounding his remaining allies but seemingly not seeing him yet. While he had the urge to try and save his allies he knew that they were outnumbered heavily and the enemy all had medium Frames, but the fact that they had no light frames meant he would be able to out run them even if they noticed him taking off as long as he was not shot dead then. While he had managed to escape having lost good chunk of his Zaruga’s armor and the its right arm from elbow down he knew he could not come back alone as he was supposed to die with his friends for “the better of the platoon”. When the platoon never returned he would be announced dead, he was no a Phantom. While he knew that he could no longer return he knew that he would not be able to go back to the old life but would live the rest of his life as a Mercenary. While he was trying to look for contracts to get hired so he’d be able to fix his frame. While he did not find a contract he did come across The Preying Panthers. After having his Frame looked at it was confirmed it really was beyond repair and that selling (I'll still abide by the same total budget in-game as everyone else) it for parts and buying a new one was methodically a better way. He eventually sold it for a very decent price for Frame beyond repair, which he used to get his new Zaruga that he named Revenant for it was to be his Revenant. [/hider] Appearance: has a small beard, hair down to the shoulders and grey eyes, usually wearing a grey flat cap and his old jacket from the SSU army now sporting the PP emblem with [color=olivedrab]olive green[/color] jeans. He measures at whopping 6'7" making him longer than most common people, also making it just that much harder to fit in a FRAME's cockpit. [Hider=Image][img]http://guyslonghair.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/jason-momoa-long-haired-beard-men.jpg[/img][/hider] Inventory: Knife, A small metal plate with "72" carved into it and a bottle of water. Funds: 386,950c [/hider] [hider=ACS-3G Zaruga "revenant"] Name: Revenant 72 (only a name for namesake so far) Manufacturer: Cradle Dynamics Height: 4.1 meters Weight: 5230 kg Armor: 20 mm durasteel alloy Speed (Walk): 65 kph Speed (Skate): 91.6 kph Sensor range: 5 km Communication range: 25 km Operating range: 600 km Extra Systems: ECM suite, laser target designator Power: 130 Weight: 80 Free weight: 1/50[List] [*]Armaments:[List] [*]2 x GAM-51 Anti-Air Missile [*]1 x AFC-40/L Autocannon [*]1 x LBU-3 Heavy Machinegun [/list] Systems: [*]1 x C3 Imaging Suite [*]1 x EVF “Chameleon” Active Camouflage [/list] [Hider=Storage:] - [/hider][/hider] [Hider=Transaction log] [Hider=23.11.2015] Sold: [List] [*]Armaments:[List] [*]1 x MG27 Light Machinegun : + 250 [/list][/list] Bought:[List] [*]Armaments:[List] [*]2 x GAM-51 Anti-Air Missile : -30,000 [*]1 x AFC-40/L Autocannon : -12,000 [*]1 x LBU-3 Heavy Machinegun : -300 [/list] Systems:[List] [*]1 x Explosive Reactive Armor : -25,000 [*]1 x EVF “Chameleon” Active Camouflage : -35,000 [/list][/list][/hider][/Hider]