It was cold up in the Drangazi mountains. Colder then it should be. People claimed it was the towers doing, that it had affected the weather ever since it stood there. Yet the cold hadn't discouraged adventures, looters and fortune seekers to go up into the mountains and enter the tower. Of course, none of them had ever returned. Why would this time be any different? The snow crunches under Hargrims heavy boots as he slowly makes his way up the mountain path. He didn't like the cold. Which was weird considering his heritage. He was a dwarf! The mountains were supposed to be his home. But they hadn't been for a long time. Ever since he took up the job as mercenary, Hargrim has been all around the world. He had seen plenty of places that were much better then this oversized snow covered rock. However, the thought of his payment warmed his bones a bit. Sure, he'd heard the tales of nobody ever returning from the tower. But those were amateurs. He was a professional mercenary. He has had worse jobs. This was just some coo-coo's wizards tower with too many complicated puzzles and obstacles. Luckily, Hargram was an expert at solving riddles. Sorry, did I say solving? I meant blowing up. After another hour of walking, the top of the tower could finally be seen over the treetops. It was nothing special. Just a badly layered tile roof with red bricks and a chimney sticking out. The rest has to be more impressive he thought while looking at the red roof. But that wasn't the case. It didn't take long before Hargrim finally emerged from the forest and entered a clearing. In the middle of that clearing... The Wizards Tower. [url=]"What... That's it? I expected something more after all these stories I'd heard."[/url] And Hargrim was right. The tower wasn't impressive at all. It was like any old tower. Made from gray bricks in a circular shape, build upwards, as was usually the case with towers. And now Hargrim couldn't even enter the tower to flee from the cold piercing wind. Nope. He had orders to wait for five others. Only then were they allowed to enter the tower. He sits down on the boring looking stairway, leading up to the boring looking door and waits.