[hider=Ryder Octavio] [b]Name:[/b] Ryder Octavio [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Disposition:[/b] Incisive, Guarded, Stoic, Pensive Ryder was never one to be called outgoing. Throughout her short mercenary career, she has made little to no friends. No one has really discovered Ryder's driving force. Some have speculated she's got some family ties in the mercenary business, while others think she is in it solely for the money. She never cared to tell anyone. Ryder is a very guarded and cautious person, not opening up to anyone, but she has been known to show a little more respect and emotion around her commanders. Ryder focuses on her job and little to nothing else. Around her fellow mercenaries in the Preying Panthers, she finds herself taking risks quite often, almost to the point of compromising missions for the sake of saving her teammates. Hannah has always put herself in harms way to protect another's life. That is one of her defining features that got her known around the mercenary community. Ryder has been known to have quite radical political beliefs, but she is not one to vocalize them, so it is usually a mere rumor. She was raised with a belief that there would be a utopia had the Emarran Council remained the same before the conflict. [b]Background:[/b] Originally from the Emarran Council, Ryder found herself in the midst of a small rebellious cell or cult as some called it, attempting to rise up against the newly reformed government. She was brought up to be one of them, training often with the simple military skills with the according anarchist beliefs. That was how she was raised for many years under the Emarran Council's reformed government. Her true parents were never known as the cell never really worried about that. It was all about "You are part of the cause," but Ryder knew the commander cared for her much more than the other children in the cell. She was treated well, given the best training, given the best food, and accommodations. It was as if Ryder was more special to the group as a whole and particularly the commander, who had the followers of the cell in his pocket. At the age of 17, Ryder found herself working in the cell to carry out menial sabotage missions at the side of her commander. This part of her life went on and on for the next two years. She never really questioned her superiors, it was her upbringing after all. That was until the 'Big Job' as her commander called it. Ryder and her cell were to go after one of the Emarran Council's major military tech manufacturers. Inside their target was a large cache of military grade equipment of all varieties as well as the tech required to create it. The goal of the group was to cease any gear and tech that they could, damage the rest, and escape while causing as much havoc as possible along the way. For some odd reason, Ryder found herself paired with the commander, Edward, he called himself. The two of them went solo into a warehouse while numerous explosions rang around the compound as distractions by the others. The two of them rejoiced as they looked over the numerous vehicles, arms, and armors. Edward found himself an old ACS-3G Zaruga FRAME. It took him a while to get it working for him while Ryder stood watch, but soon enough he was ready to go. Of course, after the two of them had loaded all the stolen equipment up, the warehouse main doors flew open. One of the rebels was caught and gave the Military Police their plan. Thoughts of running were immediately crushed as the Military Police were gaining on them. Fighting was the only option in the panicked head of Ryder. Her commander skated off in his suit, leaving her for dead. The fight was short, ending with Ryder on the ground, an arm mangled behind her back and her body bruised and beaten from being deterred by the machine-clad enforcers. Her eyes squinted to look upwards at the helmeted faces of the enforcers that leered down at her, weapons pointed every direction. As her eyes blinked in and out of consciousness, her last memory was the explosive yellow light from the roof of the warehouse. After that, Ryder woke up in some sort of hospital. Her arm felt different, her entire body felt different. After a groggy questioning session, she discovered that she was 'an innocent bystander' in the attack and an 'unknown benefactor' paid her bill so she was free to go within a few days. Her nurse led her out to where her belongings were store, and much to her disbelief, her 'belongings' contained the Zaruga FRAME as well as a large fund. She set out with what she had, fleeing the Emmaran Council under the cover of a mercenary for hire. It worked perfectly as a cover up and she made money too. ((The FRAME she acquired will of course be subtracted from her funds. So I will be paying for things as normal. This is just an explanation for why she learned about FRAMEs.)) [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Ryder Octavio][img]http://i.imgur.com/WCSvxfQ.jpg[/img][/hider] Ryder has been known to always keep her appearance up. Even before missions, she is sometimes seen freshening herself up and pampering her mid length black hair. She often puts a dark purple colored dye in her hair that mixes with its natural jet black. As her appearance is a priority, she keeps her body in good shape and good appearance. Ryder stands at 5'6" with a lithe build and appears rather normal if not for her cybernetic enhancements. One of her arms, her right to be exact, is prosthetic and plated in metal. [b]Inventory:[/b] Walther P38 Semi-Auto Pistol C-4 Charges Woven Undersuit Body Armor Spotter-Rangefinder [b]Funds:[/b] 459,000 [b]Other:[/b] N/A [/hider] [hider=Theta] [b]Name:[/b] (ACS-3G Zaruga) [b]Manufacturer:[/b] Cradle Dynamics [b]Height:[/b] 4.1 meters [b]Weight:[/b] 5230 kilograms [b]Armor:[/b] 20 mm durasteel alloy [b]Speed (Walk):[/b] 65 kph [b]Speed (Skate):[/b] 91.6 kph [b]Sensor range:[/b] 5 km [b]Communication range:[/b] 25 km [b]Operating range:[/b] 600 km [b]Extra Systems:[/b] ECM suite, laser target designator [b]Power:[/b] 130 [b]Weight:[/b] 80 [b]Armaments:[/b] [u][b]AFC-40/L Autocannon[/b][/u] [b]Manufacturer:[/b] Halabrad-Phell [b]Caliber:[/b] 25 mm [b]Effective range:[/b] 800 m [b]Penetration:[/b] 65 mm of vertical steel alloy [b]Rate of fire:[/b] 600 rds/min [b]Ammunition capacity:[/b] 60 rounds/magazine [b]Ammunition types:[/b] APDS-T, HEI-T [b]Mount:[/b] carried, one or two hands [b]Weight:[/b] 8 [b]Price:[/b] 12,000c [u][b]MG27 Light Machinegun[/b][/u] [b]Manufacturer:[/b] Radley Arms [b]Caliber:[/b] 7.62 mm [b]Effective Range:[/b] 400 m [b]Penetration:[/b] 15 mm of vertical steel alloy [b]Rate of fire:[/b] 650 rds/min [b]Ammunition capacity:[/b] 800 rounds [b]Mount:[/b] torso [b]Weight:[/b] 2 [b]Price:[/b] 250c [u][b]EVF “Chameleon” Active Camouflage[/b][/u] [b]Manufacturer:[/b] Various [b]Mount:[/b] N/A; internal systems & external coat [b]Weight:[/b] 5 [b]Price:[/b] 35,000 [u][b]Explosive Reactive Armor[/b][/u] [b]Manufacturer:[/b] Various [b]Mount:[/b] external coat [b]Weight:[/b] 5 [b]Price:[/b] 25,000 (30 Weight Free) [/hider]