[quote]One of the players from another Int Ch thread PMed me a list of powers they'd like and one really caught my eye. They'd created a character that could heal any affliction, wound or sickness, Wild Card-based or not. Pretty powerful, right? The weakness, and this is what caught me, that the character would then suffer from that injury. So if they fixed a broken arm, their arm would break in place of it. How interesting a story is that?! Imagine having the power to cure anything but knowing that it would afflict you? So terminal diseases and fatal wounds? A big no-no. Imagine the torture that character would go through, watching all the people suffering and dying, having the power to save them and not being able to actually help? [/quote] As interesting as that sounds, the ability is fairly useless (because all you will be doing is taking damage for a few people you care about). Yeah, I guess you have the power to help and you have the whole thing going where you cant help and all that, but that's [i]it[/i]. Like, yeah, you're about as useful as the average joe at helping and you could seriously hurt yourself if you try and help. That's... not a lot. It'd be interesting if played right in the first few posts (and I doubt any of us would be able to play it that well. Being honest I would totally skim over it). But it'd lose it's shine really fast because there wouldn't be any difference from issue to issue. The only time where I could see it picking back up again would maybe sacrificing him/herself to save another person which is only temporary because now that 'healing' character is dead. What I do know is that we can probably come up with some stuff that's better done than that.