Accelerator stared at the two women, glancing back and forth while Last Order was becoming increasingly more worried. Even after their responses, he couldn't jump to any conclusions. If dealing with the other underground organizations of the city had taught him anything, it was to never let his guard down... Especially in situations like these. Last Order, on the other hand, pouted and let go of Accelerator' arm. Taking a few steps back, the little girl immediately began to sprint and leaped straight onto Accelerator. The reflection, luckily enough, didn't go off (probably due to Last Order's shenanigans), and so the two immediately tumbled to the ground. "Whoa-OI!" Accelerator shouted reflexively as he winced from the pain of the fall. "'It's safe, see?' Misaka states as Misaka proudly stands up with her chest puffed out." The moment of silence that followed felt excruciatingly long, but... Well, it seemed to help lighten the mood. If they were going to attack, Accelerator reasoned, then it would've been done when Last Order caught him off balance. Fine. "...Alright, alright, I get it." he complained, stabbing his crutch into the ground to pull himself back up. "But still... They're not [i]from[/i] around here, it seems... Well, so far as I can tell. Maybe it's related to whatever dragged us here..."