Heya! I was going to wait or the end of november to post but I was challenged to get here before [@Carantathraiel] and even If I lose in the beard-off to her I still got here first! So this is me Oct. 31 naked as a babe to prepare for no shave November (I like to start fresh and see where I get.) Forgive the goofy facial expression, I was messaging the GF back in the same way she sent the message. [hider=Naked Face Warning][img]http://i.imgur.com/kmIZkLh.jpg[/img][/hider] Here is the current status of Beard Growth Project 2015 as of November 12th. [hider=The Beard Progressing][img]http://i.imgur.com/oH8SI31.jpg[/img][/hider]