Felicity caught the can, giving Gareth an [i]excuuuuuuuuuse me[/i] expression. It disappeared when the fork came at her. She caught it and then gave him a smile. "Edible is better than nothing I suppose." She used the back of her fork to pry the can open and then took on a thoughtful expression as Gareth asked her a question. "Any plan on what you wanna do?" He asked around a mouthful of noodles. "You keep talking about this CDC lab but we haven't been going anywhere. Think the two of us could make it by our lonesomes?" She shrugged. "In this world, I think having too many folks around could be dangerous. Not to mention hard to take care of. It's hard enough to find enough food and water for just the two of us." She stuck her fork into her can and took a bite, sucking on the utensil in thought. She didn't remove it when she spoke again. "Where are we going to find people anyways? All anyone wants anymore is to protect themselves. Taking someone they've never met all the way to CA on the snap of the fingers is not something people just do anymore."