I got into RPing sometime in 2010. Back then, it was full escapism for me. I'm not gonna delve too deep on that one, but Roleplaying did save my life on more than one occasion, and it possibly helped me avoid (cure?) developing mental illnesses that would've made my life a living hell. After I was free from the shackles of escapism, I actually began to enjoy Roleplaying because of the world and character creation. Nowadays, I find it hard to settle in any roleplay. I believe I'm growing out of this stage, as I've been increasingly interested in traditional, single-author writing for a while now. Participating in NaNoWriMo and managing to write more on a single novel than I've ever been able to has really made me feel great, so perhaps this is me saying goodbye/see you later to one of the most important activities and stages in my life, the Roleplayer stage.