"Tropheaum" the tower of bodies of the kills of the roman soldiers after a battle. It was said its how they determined the kill count and which soldier did the most during the battle. If that was the case Verdi thought than its more than just a random free for all battle with over the top dramatics. Rather they used a word not many knew or cared for to throw people off. With a sigh Verdi cut down yet another exia suit it was like people were dead set on recreating the show. Seeing the suit she was currently using what appeared to be a straight Masurao build used by Graham Aker during his stint as Mr.Bushido. With a sigh she held out her long and short gn beam sabers before cutting down the suits that was dashing at her not really moving from her spot. This was going to take awhile hopefully her hunch on why they called it a tropheaum was right because otherwise her stand was for nothing.