Metosi followed closely behind Shinon, once again mumbling a string of arcane words underneath his breath, not to be heard by the necromancer who obviously lay in wait above. This was the second time he'd used the string of incantations and its potent effects could not be amplified any more than the dark elf had managed. Even so, he felt himself brimming with power and motioned with a sharp jerk of the chin at his summons, which bounded up the stairs past Shinon and Ka-Vara, using its lithe form to snake past the others and come into the second level of the tower. How many more enemies did the companions have to face before coming upon the denizen of this forsaken building? The answer would come soon enough, of that Metosi was certain. He felt as prepared as he could be, wondering what could this unseen spellcaster throw at the group. Maneuver and Action: Use Incantations maneuver for the second time (max 2), follow Shinon up the stairs.