[center][color=92278f][h3][b]~Diabolic Esper~[/b][/h3][/color] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/c9f5643fe49b4c15b2cd75dfd40ac338/tumblr_nwqtena1sc1u3z5n7o6_100.png[/img] [color=92278f]"Ah... that explains the apparent chaos."[/color] While Ika wasn't doing so hot with this impending battle, Add didn't seem to give any mind to it in the slightest. You could say in a more vulgar way that he "gave no fucks." However, he did take note that she was located in the imperial palace, the place of interest and the base keeping shelter for those working under Nova. Don't think that Add forgot the whole deal with this Nova guy declaring war against anybody that was deemed impure. Just the thought of that brought a single laugh from Add, the Esper wondered how that would be done when he literally had time on his side. [color=92278f]"Say... I would like you to do a favor for me. This time-travelling Esper is heavily busy... if you understand where I'm coming from~"[/color] A grin could be seen from within the small spacial crack that was next to Ika, slipping his hand and arm out to hand her what seemed to be a little cubical cat. Awww~! [img]http://elwiki.net/wiki/images/thumb/2/2a/Apocmimime.png/150px-Apocmimime.png[/img] Yup, definitely looks like something completely innocent. [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/d46c2fad7d9d1c7034dcfe728855edef/tumblr_nwqugvhoF61u3z5n7o6_100.png[/img] [color=92278f]"See this? I have no one to keep an eye on little guy here, so while you keep an eye on it... you'll be under it's protection. I'm sure enough that it can be something you can handle, and that it will prove its usefulness to our cause... I still remember it, Ika... so don't keep me waiting."[/color] Before Ika could object or say anything else, the Esper had the time rift close up immediately. The little cubical cat only gave a cute "Nyaaa~!" to greet the fellow Inkvasion ally. [@Absolis][/center]