Hey there! I am a published writer of erotica who, for fun, [i]loves [/i]to push the boundaries of erotic cooperative storytelling with an enthusiastic partner. I’m female, over the age of 18, and I am NOT interested in writing straight, one-on-one mundane romance. I usually say to people that while I love to write erotica, I [i]didn’t[/i] say that that I love to write [i]sex [/i]scenes. In good erotic fiction, sex is practically incidental. It’s there, of course, but very often it’s [i]not [/i]the hottest part of the piece. Writers who restrict themselves to a description of the act itself end up with just that – a lukewarm, clinical description of a sex act. Blech. I can’t think of anything less appealing. What makes sex sexy is the [i]context[/i]. While I would also argue that sex has to be relevant to the plot for it to be worth writing into a scene, I would argue with equal intensity that in well-crafted erotica, the goal is to make [i]every scene[/i] as sensual as possible. That’s not to say that every scene contains sex, but that every scene is designed to appeal to the senses and to excite the reader’s [i]appetite [/i]for sex. [hider=About Me] So here’s a little about me… ...I can play male and female characters equally and get aroused writing either role. ...I have a career, so while I will reply as quickly as I’m able, that may not mean daily. I typically try to let my partners know my posting schedule so that way they can at least know when to expect a reply from me. ...I write in the 3rd person (which is the prevalent style for modern novels) or 3rd person omniscient. ...for me, what makes a passage erotic is not the description of the act itself, but the setting, the relationship between the characters… the CONTEXT. Sex without context is just a rote description of what occurs. I will write what my character is sensing, what she feels, and what she is thinking. I expect my partner to do the same. …due to the mature content of my posts, I only roleplay via Private Messages, not in the Threads. …I don’t mind doing a bit of research to make sure that any historical pieces ring true. While I’m by no means a perfectionist when it comes to historical accuracy, I do think that a little bit of reading can help pad a post with enough historical detail to really put a reader in the story. ...and… I DO NOT do fandoms. Let’s exercise our creativity together, not rehash someone else’s ideas. [/hider] [hider=About the Partner I'm Seeking] And here’s a little bit about the partner I’m seeking – my partner of choice… ...is over the age of eighteen (the older and more mature, the better) - THIS IS A MUST. ...is interested in developing characters and is able to write independently, in an ongoing, open-ended, sandbox-style story – ALSO A MUST. I dislike writing with people who wait for me to “tell them what to do”. ...is literate and sexually adventurous. ...can match my pace and length for posts (typically 3-to-4 paragraphs) ...is able to play male and female characters with equal enthusiasm and realism. ...enjoys roleplaying multiple partner scenarios and nontraditional relationships. ...is uninhibited and desires to explore the darker, more taboo side of sexual relationships ...writes in 3rd person, or 3rd person omniscient. …is open to doing light research for historical pieces in order to heighten the experience. [/hider] I’ve got a few ideas (or derivations of ideas that I’ve seen) that I wouldn’t mind exploring – keep in mind that I would write each of these as erotica. Take a look and see if anything sounds interesting to you. [hider=Wagons, ho!] Wagons, ho! Set in the early 1800’s in America, the story revolves around a young girl who, accompanying a wagon train west, is apprehended by Indians during a raid on the wagon train. The girl must adapt to the harsh lifestyle of the Indians in order to survive. Will she “go native”, or will the heroine escape to rejoin “civilized” society? Alternately, perhaps the story details a group of pioneer men, beleaguered by Indian attacks, who manage to capture an Indian girl…? [/hider] [hider=Equal Shares for the Crew] Equal Shares for the Crew This piece would take place during the Golden Age of Piracy (early 1700’s) and would revolve around a pirate crew plundering a merchant vessel and making prisoners of the merchant captain’s daughters. Will the daughters be rescued before they are murdered by the pirates? Will they become pirates themselves, as was the case of real-life female pirates Mary Read and Anne Bonny? This plot-seed could be expanded to include plundering the Spanish treasure ships of the New World…or, perhaps the pirates are not pirates at all, but legal privateers with bonafide Letters of Marque? [/hider] [hider=Hitchhikers] Hitchhikers A “Slice of Life”, open-ended, modern roleplay, this piece would be about one or more hitchhikers, thumbing their way across the United States, and would detail the adventures stemming from the people that would offer them rides. [/hider] [hider=Stranded!] Stranded It’s WWII and a tramp freighter has been torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in the south Pacific. The survivors have managed to make it to an uncharted island, but can they survive there? How will the group dynamic change, given the disproportional number of men to women, once the survivors accept that they may be spending their rest of their lives on the island? Perhaps the island isn’t really deserted, after all? This should end up reading like a cross between Castaway and Lord of the Flies – with an erotic slant, of course. [/hider] I’m definitely open to tweaking any of the ideas listed here, with the goal of creating something that my partner and I would find equally exciting. If anything here strikes a chord with you, or acts as a catalyst for an even more exciting idea, please PM me! Let’s get something started!